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Choices (beep! beep! Does not compute!)

After a bit of a back and forth with my careercoach and therapist I've come to the point where they think I cannot make choices. Perhaps they're right.

Here's the thing though; I can easily tell what I don't want (which IMO is a choice as well). It just takes a bit longer to eliminate everything you don't want. That's obviously a bit of an issue since... well, life has a set clock. I don't have 500 years to explore everything and see what I don't want. Not to mention things bring expenses, so going on about what I don't want is a costly endevour.

It's not that I can't make choices at all I think; I make plenty of choices every day. However, they're not really choices that make a huge impact. But choosing if you want Pepsi or Sprite, and making a consicious choice over the flavor of said softdrink, still is a choice.

Further down the line, last month I bought a new guitar, and obviously it was a choice to buy a new guitar, to settle with the amount of strings on said guitar, settle with the color and so on. For the money spent, it should be a properly considered choice.

In the past I've burnt my fingers way too often in making a bad choice, which was carefully considered first. Back in 2006 when I signed up for journalism school I thought that would be a great career. Almost 8 years later, I'm still scarred by the notion of "news", I don't feel any affinity with newspapers in general anymore and I have a way more "I don't care what's going on in the world today" attitude ever since. I guess one can call it trauma from being exposed to something that's probably way, way more toxic than it should've been. Why my mind processes these things that way... beats me. Perhaps the negatives for me outweigh the positives (and even if I try really hard, I can barely find a positive, let alone make it feel more important and worthwhile).

Hence, my process of choice means I need to burn my fingers to exclude it.

An underlying issue apparently is; my therapist is about to finish up my sessions because I can't be helped. Unless I have a clear goal in what I want, they can't offer me a thing.

I liked how she told me that my situation is like "walking into the Baker's and telling him; I don't really feel like eating bread, what should I eat today?".

Yeah, that behaviour doesn't make a lick of sense. However, in defense against that analogy; I'm not going to the Baker's for that. I feel that in my situation, I'm being sent there. Expectations have been put upon me, as a member of society and the notion that I should be contributing. And now they berate me for not having a clue what I should do with my life.

Furthermore; if I give them a rough outline of what I want in life. I'm being told "well, that's not realistic".

And that's why making choices might be hard. Making choices is one thing, but making viable, sustainable, affordable and realistic choices... too many variables. Beep! Beep Does not compute!

Taking all the variables out again;

All things considered; Do I know what I want in life? I think I do, be it in a passive way.

The frightening part is; when I'm taking a turn and knowing what I want in a pro-active way. I'll get there... but it also means that I have a mindset that's pretty much "I will kill to get what I want". It's the same kind of zeal to reach my goal as a suicide bomber... excuse the morbid analogy. Perhaps it's good I don't have a clear goal right now, since I'm sure it would hurt a lot more people around me and backs will get broken and teeth cracked.

Going back from my fundamentalist view to achieve goals, back to those variables quickly. When I asked my therapist as well as my coach; "how about you help me figure out what's realistic to achieve in my situation.". They were stumped... it's the kind of question they cannot deal with. Beep! beep! Does not compute!

(PS; thus far I haven't regretted buying that guitar)


I'm confused- this is a career therapist? They are supposed to steer you toward reasonable job goals or...?

When I've worked with vocational therapists/organizations they do a number of skills assessments and tests, do an interview of experience and schooling, and based on that we come up with options then set some goals.

I guess I'm still confused on who this person is. Sorry. :/
The careercoach works for the same institute as my therapist. So they work closely together and I had a talk with both of them together last week about my situation and how I'm totally clueless where to go in life.

But unless I see this as a problem (with proper reason) they're not setting up any form of treatment as it seems... and obviously "well, I'm on welfare and I want to find a job somehow to get out of this situation and at least go somewhere else in life than where I am now" is not a good reason for them.

As it seems a good reason would be "I'm suicidal" but not neccesarily "I'm feeling miserable because my life is going down the drain".
Ah, ok.
No wonder I'm confused.
That doesn't seem to make any f-ing sense.
Sorry man sounds frustrating as hell.
It might be fair to say that you know what you want, but they can't help you get there, and they know it, so either "it's not reasonable" is only half the phrase that I hear. I hear, "It's not reasonable to expect this help from us."

Does that fit?

I read this: "Do I know what I want in life? I think I do, be it in a passive way.

The frightening part is; when I'm taking a turn and knowing what I want in a pro-active way. I'll get there... but it also means that I have a mindset that's pretty much "I will kill to get what I want"

I read somewhere that decisions can't be made without emotion. I'm guessing here that when you want something, you want it intensely and you don't see people around you--if they get in the way, you'll go over or through them if you can.

You sound like a CEO or an artist. Both those types have that effect on the people around them. They also draw people who share the vision.

What do you want?

Who are you afraid of hurting?

And who or what can help you?

I'm kind of reading into this a bit, like maybe you have a couple of values in conflict: ie, going after what you want conflicts with a desire to care for people around you.

But I just made that up. Use what's useful, throw out the rest.
You're right though... it's more along the lines of "it's not reasonable to expect this help from us", however, I'm a bit stumped in that this is pretty much the last resort on where I can go. If there's no help there... I'm pretty much shafted.

As for what I want, I'll keep that to myself for now so I don't come across as some legitimate psycho ;) I'm fully aware that my goals are less than noble (and I haven't even touched upon how egotistical they might be).

As it is right now, and mostly because of how the system is set up here; I probably need a pile of money, lol. There's way too much here that limits. Not just in my opinion, but even social workers have expressed this. Having an income, even if it's on welfare level is one thing, but it's often the big pitfall towards a more hopeless future as well. It's why so many people either on disability or welfare (but unfit for regular employment) don't have a job at all. And with more and more cutbacks...

You're right in that I tend to have more traits of the aforementioned fields/professions. Something I've heard over and over. I just lack any drive at the moment. That's probably the first thing I want right now... a priority and a drive to actually be motivated. It's among the reasons why I saw a therapist in the first place. If anything, I just end up having any perspectives crumbled as I'm being told "yeah, the government does not have money for reintegration plans for people in your situation".

Honestly, I can feel this going down the same route like any other therapist in the past "Sorry, your problems are way too complex and beyond what we can do for you". Eventually you'll get sick and tired of hopping around...

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