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Which Star Trek (any series) character...

I would say I'm a mix of Vulcan and Klingon, with healthy helping of Talaxian, and a dash of Bajoran. I have a lot of love and respect for Data, but I have little to none of his sweetness or naivety, although possibly his cruelty when Lore's screwing with his head.

I've never had the pleasure of meeting Spock outside of Next Generation, so I'd say I can strongly relate to Tuvok instead. Technically, him and Neelix both. I am a people pleaser, I love to cook and make people happy, but I definitely have my Tuvok "you are being irrational, illogical, and I am a grumpy-pants" Vulcan side (Vulcans always seem so grumpy), and I very much have my Worf "that is not honorable and now I will beat you into oblivion" Klingon side. Oh, and I have a touch of Bajoran, because I didn't have morning sickness, I instead sneezed incessantly.

If very minor characters are allowed, I also feel very much like Brenna O'Donnell from the Next Generation episode where they find the Irish and clone colonies. I feel like I'm managing every last little bloody thing there is in this family and having to strong-arm nearly everybody into doing their job, minus some of the yelling. Or my judgment on that could be a wee bit clouded since that is my favorite episode hands down and I watch it often just to giggle.
Well Idk if I am like anyone in particular, but I know Deanna Troi is cool, for some reason, Marina Sirtis is my favorite. I also think Tribbles are absolutely adorable! <3
I always envied Julian - cool, suave, intelligent.. ok a bit irritating on occasion, but a sociable guy ;)
Poor Wesley, lovely kid.. alright, he looked a bit gormless, but I envied his frienship with Geordie and Data. :cool:

Julian annoys me, but I do like Wesley. I guess his naivete didn't bother me so much because he was just a bit older than I was when the shows were initially broadcast.

So I guess I should answer my own question that started the post. It took me a while to decide, lol. I used to identify most with Data, and that's who my DH says he identifies most with. But in the past several months, I've become less and less enamored with being "like" everyone else, and more aware of the epic battle within me to manage two extremes of dynamic, subterranean emotions and penetrating logic. Spock reached a place where he could acknowledge that deeper layer of himself without being threatened by it. And yet Spock still seems too old for me to identify with him, lol. So I guess I identify mostly with Tuvok.

There are so many Star Trek characters I have such an affection for. It's a little bit insane, lol. What is it about Star Trek that's so comforting and alluring, especially when battling a crazy mood swing or deep depression?
There are so many Star Trek characters I have such an affection for. It's a little bit insane, lol.

Not to me. I consider these people to be my friends. Bringing me much joy for most of my life. For me, no piece of literature could ever match what these actors have achieved.

There are so many Star Trek characters I have such an affection for. It's a little bit insane, lol. What is it about Star Trek that's so comforting and alluring, especially when battling a crazy mood swing or deep depression?

Not to me. I consider these people to be my friends. Bringing me much joy for most of my life. For me, no piece of literature could ever match what these actors have achieved.
I've never, in my life, had any ambition to be rich, or successful, I just wanted to be happy, which meant only good friends and a loving partner.. that's all.
As Judge says, these people are my friends, I share their camaraderie and support for each other in times of need and I admire and embrace their moral strength as my own.
Also, Sub Commander T'pol's pretty hot ;)
I like Vorik a lot. I would like to be Data in some ways, not feeling anything and able to turn off emotions even after getting an emotion chip.

And Spock is another one I like. I always felt bad for Amanda because it was such a high percent of her life that her son and husband didn't speak to each other. A shorter percent for them but for a human life span, so much higher. I loved the book 'Vulcan Academy Murders. I have a lot of Star Trek books.

Which am I most like? Hard to say. I wish I were like Data sometimes but he isn't one I am like. Spock and Sarek I am at times. I can't imagine would it would be like to be Amanda. I like Deanna Troi but being around a Bedazoid would scare me. Not sure I know enough about Bajoran's, but maybe like Ro.
I always identified with Data on "TNG", because his greatest ambition was to simply be like everyone else. He didn't strive to stand out, or seek fame and glory; he just wanted to be on the same level as his human friends. Andrew Martin from the movie "Bicentennial Man" also has these aspects to him, which is why I love that movie so much.
I always identified with Data on "TNG", because his greatest ambition was to simply be like everyone else. He didn't strive to stand out, or seek fame and glory; he just wanted to be on the same level as his human friends. Andrew Martin from the movie "Bicentennial Man" also has these aspects to him, which is why I love that movie so much.
I clicked 'agree', but I actually double agree! I always felt such sympathy for Data's efforts to fit in! Remember the 'Q' episode when he makes Data laugh hysterically? I watched that scene over and over and laughed and cried with him.
Bicentennial man is a beautiful film, chokes me up just typing this.. you got good taste, my man! :cool:

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