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People in the media who are diagnosed with neurodiversity.


Well-Known Member
Not one to be won by the celebrity status. I would guess that is more for the kiddo’s which I am not. I am wondering potentially about those who have adjusted to their neurodiversity and are doing quite ok with life most of the time.

For me the judgement on this on this is if they have are living out their talents. They could be in a relationship or not and this is real life and it is desirable for many but not all to do this. So being able to have children if so wanted can be judged as desirable as well. I tend to think if you seek to have children you have been gifted them as you can cope with them. Those who do not, some was not able to cope. This can still be desirable for them.

Just be however you are meant to be with a bit of grace on top. So, which neurodiverse people do think could inspire others and who could look at them and think hey look at them they are autistic and they are doing ok with their life and inspiration perhaps with some and a good kick up well to some as well. This could inspire people to do different things from education to etc so that is why I posted it in this section.

Go with it

Funny they definetly appear to be doing ok and living out their dreams with nature which I like. No idea about their idea about their personal and no interest either. Chris Packman media celebrity who is diagnosed with autism. Works in the arts in nature filming and making programmes who is autistic, his levels are unknown to me. You might assume high functioning but it can be mixed. I have no idea.

A new one to me as I was watching he appeared as socially able as the presenter. Rav Wilding is diagnosed with autism it was said on the tv recently. I was watching the tv and he said he was diagnosed by a Cambridge team.

Christine McGuiness she has had a tough ride of things but she is living out her life, has children who are on the spectrum and doing her best as a mother. She is certainly a very sensitive soul for sure, bless her.

Hugo Ross, no nothing about him personally. He is a Christian and a scientist and I read old school Aspergers which is today what we all know, high functioning autism pretty much. He is passionate about his science interest and writing about his faith. This fits my definition.

Melanie Skyes is someone who is diagnosed with autism and has lived out some of her desires surely as well.

I don’t know of anyone with a confirmed diagnosis.

Do you?

I would like to see more level 2 and 3 people living enriched lives in this post as well.
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The author, Charles Stross who writes the Lovecraftian urban fantasy series "The Laundry Files," is self-diagnosed.

In the just published "A Conventional Boy," the main character is autistic (Aspie type), and the hero.

A lot of authors, musicians, and other artists are on the spectrum. I like it when they "come out of the closet" and show the world what they can do.
The author, Charles Stross who writes the Lovecraftian urban fantasy series "The Laundry Files," is self-diagnosed.

In the just published "A Conventional Boy," the main character is autistic (Aspie type), and the hero.

A lot of authors, musicians, and other artists are on the spectrum. I like it when they "come out of the closet" and show the world what they can do.
Applauses you, my thoughts entirely. We are all different and some autistics are creative or not in their own way. It seems to be all over the place and like what you are pointing out with the end line it is not so that autistics are not creative with no imagination.

Me, I need to stay really with factual things or then it becomes laughable, but many autistics I am certain are good with fiction as well.
I have read about Eton Musk before, has he used those words for himself that he is self diagnosed FayetheAspie. I have never read a personal account that actually stated him saying he was diagnosed or self diagnosed either.

This one is obvious to me and needs to be rumbled and looked at.
The claim that you do not live long with autism. I think this is likely more severe cases of great hardship and less finance lack of intake and mental health issues etc etc,

The man himself Chris Packman who is diagnosed known of him for years. Just by looks he good and fit in his health to me and so should be. At an guess age would say around 52-56 not far off from me. Now I will dare look him up for his age...what was it I was wrong he is 63 and seems so spritely with it and looks in better health than me who is younger still. In some cases there is more to it than thinking we are more likely to get health issues.
@Rachie I would think that the shorter lifespan would mostly apply to people with severe health conditions as comorbidities. I could also see that some individuals who do the head banging stim or other severely harmful stims could do damage that might shorten their life in some cases.🤔 I don't understand why autism in and of itself would shorten one's life.🤷‍♀️
Sadly, there is a higher suicide rate associated with autism. That's why sites like this are so important where others can come and discuss issues they may encounter in a NT world.
I totally forgot this, I am not doing this with a list, just those I can recall who have spoken about it or are diagnosed.

How can I forget one of my favourites from my youth, lots of splashes going about-
Daryl Hannah
and who else, Greta Thunberg, a beacon really and that really is all who I remember from my lifetime.
I have read about Eton Musk before, has he used those words for himself that he is self diagnosed FayetheAspie. I have never read a personal account that actually stated him saying he was diagnosed or self diagnosed either.
Here is another one I have known and I really like her story. Tylan Grant. I found her story on the autism NAS website a few years ago and read it with interest. Her parents are famous and she is also an actress and has starred in Hollyoaks. I relate to some of her descriptions of her autistic experience with the intensity of sight and sound some of us experience. I either forgot about or didn't know how to phrase it as I first found out about through googling her mother who I grew up watching as well lol. She is though an acctress in her own right her daughter so can be used to.

The article is no longer on the NAS website but it can be read here-
Inspirational People with Autism - Autism services: Assessment, Therapy and Training
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I must admit now at this point only now I looked up this group more ethnic autistic people black, asian and Jewish because this group you do not see much discussed around discussions around autism. Why that is not I won't get into the possibilites, but sometimes representation can be nice for some people in these groups.

Also, I was now looking for what may be perhaps some level 2 and 3 autistics sigh, not really found anything. It is was nice to see everyone as role models and what can be done, sort of already expected though.

What I did see though now Anthony Hopkins is supposed to have diagnosed with aspergers in 2017, now autistic. Happy to highlight this lets look at his age a sprightly well, I was shocked with that 87, going strong. I think he has had his health issues but going strong for sure.

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