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New and trying to figure things out!


The truth is I’ve been trying to figure myself out for years. I have not yet went through an official assessment and diagnosis for ASD… In fact I didn’t know anything about it until about 5 months ago when my now ex girlfriend suggested it to me while she was breaking up with me. I guess I’m curious to see if I fit the description and if getting officially assessed would be worth it.

This all started at a very young age. In fact I did undergo a psychological evaluation when I was in elementary school. I think the school district highly recommended it based on disruptive and other behavior, inability to focus, and what appeared at the time as a possible learning disability. Unfortunately this was in the late 1980, so there is no way that I could have gotten an Aspergers diagnosis. I think they determined that I showed signs of ADHD, Dyslexia, and were inconclusive on other issues. There are also other things that Im not even sure that were taken in to account.

As I got older some of the symptoms started to change. The hyperactivity seemed to dissipate. One thing that has always remained consistent is my Dyslexia. I can read just fine but remembering how to spell words for a long period of time is nearly impossible. I also tend to mix things up a lot… Luckily modern technology has made this mostly a non issue for me… I would like to describe some of what I have to live with and see if it seems consistent to other people who have experienced this.

... Okay, so I got kind of carried away with describing life and the kind of symptoms I have... So here is a link to the long version if anyone cares to read.

In regards to getting officially tested and diagnosed.

What is the process like?
Is it expensive?
Where do you go? (I'm in SLC-UT)
Can an adult even be assessed?

Hi zipple,
Welcome to AC.
You certainly sound like you may be an aspie. You are most welcome to stay, browse and ask questions. If you want to know more, I recommend reading Tony Attwood's 'Complete guide to Aspergers.'
I've got no idea what SLC-UC is, but in most places it tends to be harder getting diagnosed as an adult. Though if you have the money to go private, it may be quicker. Having said that there are a number of adults here that have been diagnosed recently.
The process seems to vary greatly depending on where you are and who you see. It may take a half hour or a half year (or longer). It will involve discussions, observations and maybe tests. There may be others from your area who can share more details.
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Welcome zipple!

I can't comment on the process as it varies from place to place. From what you have described, though, it does not seem unlikely that you might be on the spectrum. If you think it will give you peace of mind then go for it.
I am unofficial diagnosed from a psychologist. I say unofficial because she can't give an official diagnosed of Asperger's. As I have worked with her on my symptoms I have found the help I needed and it has made the difference. My family did a lot of r on the research subject, I mean a lot, and they knew before I did. Also, the psychologist got to know me and genitally informed me that with her experience she believes I have Asperger's. I knew there was something different about my thinking and behaviors but didn't know what it was. Asperger's seems to be a fit, and the therapy and help that I am getting seems to be helping me to know myself and others.
What is the process like? Involves a lot of questions of early childhood, answered by you and your parents. At least that's what mine was like.
Is it expensive? Mine was free, but in the US it probably is expensive.
Where do you go? (I'm in SLC-UT) If it's anything like here, you go to the GP and they refer you so a psychologist who can assess you.
Can an adult even be assessed? Yes. I was assessed as an adult.

Sorry I can't be of more use, I am not American.
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Welcome aboard :)
Welcome to AC! Unfortunately, the state of autism research, diagnosis, and treatment in the 80s was still rather abominable...It could be for the best that you didn't get a formal diagnosis then! Reading your blog post makes me think you are very likely on the Spectrum. As for now... I always say, seeking a diagnosis is a cost-benefit analysis, and if you're already doing well, a piece of paper won't make a whole lot of difference.

Hope you like it here. :)

Welcome to AC! Unfortunately, the state of autism research, diagnosis, and treatment in the 80s was still rather abominable...It could be for the best that you didn't get a formal diagnosis then! Reading your blog post makes me think you are very likely on the Spectrum. As for now... I always say, seeking a diagnosis is a cost-benefit analysis, and if you're already doing well, a piece of paper won't make a whole lot of difference.

Hope you like it here. :)


Also, I know it's just a piece of paper, but I think it would mean more then that to me. It kind of sucks going through life having all these issues and not understanding why... Just the research I have done has helped a lot. I have identified with it a lot... And a lot of things kind of make sense now.... So while it seems kind of obvious... I still would like to know for sure. I know it doesn't change much... But least I can tell myself... "Oh, that's what's wrong with me". It also helps knowing that I'm not alone in the way that I am.... But thank you all the same :)
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