I have just read this bit.
I am a slow but deep thinker, but my vocabulary is not that great, as I have recently found out why. As I tend to turn to visual thinking (As in pictures and film form) which I excell in!
My Mum is in many ways like me BUT she thinks in words and not in pictures.
Now I am not really a quick thinker like some others are, but what can puzzle me is that others miss things because they just surface think and do not digest what they are thinking, so they do not see things like I can.
But socially (I hardly knew what the term "Social" or "Being social" even meant!), I tend to steer conversations towards my interests (Especially railways) as to make sense of things, I find it easier to relate any given subject to a railway subject to make sense of it.
Also, I can hit mind blank when in certain situations when nurvous or where there is a shutdown trigger, where I will automatically "Talk round the world and back to avoid hitting these mind blank situations, so I can have entire conversations in the hope to eventually reach the point I was trying to make and often if the other person changes the subject, I can never get to say what I wanted to say as I have not been able to trick my mind to reach the point I was trying to make.
I can't usually talk straight to the point. I usually have to twlk in long half curved loops of continually changing relatable subjects before reaching the point I wanted to make from an entirely different angle of approach. It is like doing two things at ojce with ones brain as one has to hold the "Concept" thought which is NOT in word form, and have to talk my way round from an entirely different angle of approach to express that thought. I am actually learning more about myself as I write as I remembered that the origional thought is not a thought concept I can put into words. It feels like a browny sort of thought concept which the expressing of that thought is like one keept talking while changing angles of talk to try and give birth to the thought into spoken form.
Often though, I do talk at directed angles, sort of like straight but 45° angles of approach to sort of communicate what I am trying to say...
(Is this making sense to anybody?)
Yet despite all this I have been tested to have a higher than average IQ, though I am not at genius level. My youngest brother is what I describe at genius level! BUT he surface thinks if that makes sense? He is a quick thinker who does not need to deep think. He is one who would almost always have top marks in whatever he would do when in school and got top marks in his exams without even any need to study. (He did no revision for any exam and when we suggested to do so he looked at us puzzled and said "Why do I need to do that?")
He actually went to college and did the first year to quit the course as he saw straight through the money making motives of the college education system and exposed most of the lecturers who cared not for the pupils but were in it for the money or the pride of the position! (And he was right, as when Mum and I visited on the "Parents" open day (My Dad had died by then and Mum doesn't drive so I went. I am actually old enough to be my youngest brothers Dad so those who did not know assumed I was and assumed our Mum was his Grandmother)... But I saw exactly what he was saying when I met them!)
But my brother, even before he started school he was too intelligent! My Dad couldn't be that big red white bearded pie eating guy with him! No chance!
Sorry. I am writing too much now! I do that when exploring thought!
Ooh, but I want to explain something! I make up for my limited vocabluary by clever use of the words I speak so most people do not notice.
I do find that foreign people learning english find me easy to speak to because I talk slower than most and use easier to understand words. (They have told me that! I can't speak their languages though. I live in Wales and never have been any good at Welsh! I never knew it was because I was autistic).