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Hi all, I've become intrigued by the situations involving plane and the mistakes that lead them to crash.

[The PDF is the ACTUAL transcript of what was said] Its well worth a read.

Here is an Excellent video by (Mentor Pilot) Explaining all the technical details of the event for the average viewer.

Titanic of the Skies! - Mentor pilot


  • annexe.01.en.pdf
    618 KB · Views: 122
[The document I have below is the actual transcript]

It's downright saddening what happened on this flight.

(Note: The transcript in the document is at the bottom.) (Scroll down to the bottom of the PDF)

Mentor pilot, as per usual, explains the sequence of events. [Yes, I love his channel]

The result of the lack of Maintenance.


  • alaska-261-ntsb-report.pdf
    2.4 MB · Views: 2,926

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