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Do you think I'm an Aspie?


Active Member
Hi everyone, I'm a 26 year old female needing your opinion. I am aware that no one can diagnose me except a doctor, but I'd still like to know what you think.

I've always felt something was wrong with me, but I don't know if this is it.
I have always been very shy and sensitive with lots of anxiety. I grew up in a very turbulent family.
As a child I had a hard time making and keeping friendships, but that could be because we changed schools every 2 years :\ ...very hard to do for a shy child.
I do seem to have artistic/creative talents pop out of nowhere. (I can draw a freakishly EXACT likeness of a person's portrait, and did this for the first time randomly overnight one day)
I am extremely sensitive to medications.
I have trouble making decisions and so much trouble with choosing a career.
As a child I did not care about my appearance at all and was much more interested in playing (even after most of my peers had outgrown playing, I'd say) and exploring nature, riding my bike, reading, etc.
I wouldn't say I preferred playing alone - but I definitely loved it.
I don't feel I've ever had intense "obsessions" with a particular interest, although I do feel I have OCD in general. As a kid I really loved horses and animals, and even today I can identify almost any dog breed, but it's not something I'd say I'm obsessed with :\ Idk...any ideas on that one?
I do feel socially awkward, but I attribute that to having bad social anxiety, as I feel ok with tones of voice and body language etc. Actually I feel like and have been told that I can read people freakishly well, almost as a 6th sense kinda thing. I am just am terrified of what people think of me. When I'm trying to converse with someone I am so afraid of what they're thinking as I'm talking that I start to monitor myself and come off as awkward. This is what confuses me most about whether or not I have Aspergers.
I have always enjoyed listening to songs on repeat and can listen to a song I love many times without getting bored of it. Likewise with my favorite movies.
As a child I played with my toys very "intensely" is the best way I'd describe it. I never lined them up or anything, but I really enjoyed the sensations my toys would make, ie. the sound or feel of me making them walk on the carpet. I enjoyed sensations soo much overall as a child, I seriously LOVED playing super intensely! (I know it sounds weird lol) I'd enjoy the sensation my hands would make on the ground if I was, say, pretending I was a dog or something lol...so weird I know!! haha. Likewise I would love to read & write and would love the look of the words/font & how they looked on the page. I also loved the sound/feel of me writing with a pen or marker on paper. My love for horses? Also rooted in this sensation thing, as I loved the sounds they made and stuff.

What is wrong with me? :p

I will say I have seen many therapists as a child for help with my shyness, family issues, and other things and none of them ever mentioned Aspergers.
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I'm no doctor or a therapist but even they can mistakes, but if you feel like your different than everyone else in this world and has came off as a weird person or even bullied for being different then a diagnosis might be something to consider getting.

I grew up thinking that I was different than everyone else and sort of felt like I didn't really belong. I almost felt like an alien being living in an alien world where no one quite understood me and would tease me for being different. Even if your not an Aspie or don't have Autism, your still welcomed here :D I always made friends with the odd balls in school and I always liked the weird people :)
Hi Mia, welcome to AC. Lots of good questions. One thing to ponder is that you'll see while many of us share similar traits and behaviors, equally many of us do not. Or that whatever traits and behavior we do have, are on varying degrees of intensity.

It's not a simple thing to explain in terms of ascertaining autism spectrum disorder, as well as the potential for many other comorbid conditions (such as OCD). Hope you can get some of your questions answered here...
Welcome Mia :)

If you're unsure of whether you have AS, the best way to determine this (besides an official diagnoses), is to learn as much about AS as you can, so that you can familiarise yourself.

I recommend browsing through the forums, and sharing your experiences with others online. Comparing yourself with others, helps to put your situation in to better perspective. Perhaps once you're more confident in your self-diagnoses, you can decide whether you would like to arrange an official diagnoses.

Also, some of these books are great resources for information:
Resources | AspiesCentral.com

I especially recommend this one:
Aspergirls: Empowering Females With Asperger Syndrome | AspiesCentral.com
Hi Mia! :D I love horses, too!

Vanilla made some great suggestions, so just browse the forum and see if you find anything that you can relate to. And even if you ultimately discover that you don't have ASD, you're still welcome here. (We embrace everybody here!)
Look through the postings of a Google Search and see if the free online test for AS is still available. It stresses that it is not fully definitive but if it is still available it is as good an indicator as there is for the few minutes involved. Save (to your computer 'Documents') or print (or both) the results for your future reference.
For me, it was my girlfriend who approached me saying "I think you might have Autism". She was doing some unrelated research and found she could relate alot with other people dating Aspies. I did some research after that and found that many of the traits for Aspergers fit me. I know that finding out helped me build on many coping strategies to better communicate with other people.

If you feel that you might be on the spectrum, like the others here have said, research it.
Also, I don't think anything is "wrong" with you. You're just different :) And different is awesome
Mia I will not offer you my opinion instead I will offer you this advice.
I think that if you feel that the way see things is not quite the same as others do then you should seek out a professional who is experienced in diagnosing young adults with issues. ( young adult 20-30 yrs old)
There are so many different things that could be going on.
True knowledge is empowering, opinions should never be confused with knowledge.

Good Luck
P.S. A good Psychologist is far less inclined to think in terms of psychotropic drugs and drugs in general than a Psychiatrist
Remember that the experience of Aspergers is sometimes different for women than it is for men. Most of what is written/said on the subject is based on men with Aspergers. So try to look into what Aspie women have said on the subject. One well known author on the subject is Rudy Simone.
Look through the postings of a Google Search and see if the free online test for AS is still available. It stresses that it is not fully definitive but if it is still available it is as good an indicator as there is for the few minutes involved. Save (to your computer 'Documents') or print (or both) the results for your future reference.
good idea
It is truly not definitive but it is can at least reduce the maybe part of the question alot.
But there really is nothing more empowering than knowing what is really going on.
I know when I was diagnosed in 2012 it was so cool to be able to explain so many things from the last 50 years and to KNOW that there was nothing wrong with me I was just wired different.
So if you have the opportunity for a legitimate/compassionate diagnosis get it.
Hi everyone, I'm a 26 year old female needing your opinion. I am aware that no one can diagnose me except a doctor, but I'd still like to know what you think.

I've always felt something was wrong with me, but I don't know if this is it.
I have always been very shy and sensitive with lots of anxiety. I grew up in a very turbulent family.
As a child I had a hard time making and keeping friendships, but that could be because we changed schools every 2 years :\ ...very hard to do for a shy child.
I do seem to have artistic/creative talents pop out of nowhere. (I can draw a freakishly EXACT likeness of a person's portrait, and did this for the first time randomly overnight one day)
I am extremely sensitive to medications.
I have trouble making decisions and so much trouble with choosing a career.
As a child I did not care about my appearance at all and was much more interested in playing (even after most of my peers had outgrown playing, I'd say) and exploring nature, riding my bike, reading, etc.
I wouldn't say I preferred playing alone - but I definitely loved it.
I don't feel I've ever had intense "obsessions" with a particular interest, although I do feel I have OCD in general. As a kid I really loved horses and animals, and even today I can identify almost any dog breed, but it's not something I'd say I'm obsessed with :\ Idk...any ideas on that one?
I do feel socially awkward, but I attribute that to having bad social anxiety, as I feel ok with tones of voice and body language etc. Actually I feel like and have been told that I can read people freakishly well, almost as a 6th sense kinda thing. I am just am terrified of what people think of me. When I'm trying to converse with someone I am so afraid of what they're thinking as I'm talking that I start to monitor myself and come off as awkward. This is what confuses me most about whether or not I have Aspergers.
I have always enjoyed listening to songs on repeat and can listen to a song I love many times without getting bored of it. Likewise with my favorite movies.
As a child I played with my toys very "intensely" is the best way I'd describe it. I never lined them up or anything, but I really enjoyed the sensations my toys would make, ie. the sound or feel of me making them walk on the carpet. I enjoyed sensations soo much overall as a child, I seriously LOVED playing super intensely! (I know it sounds weird lol) I'd enjoy the sensation my hands would make on the ground if I was, say, pretending I was a dog or something lol...so weird I know!! haha. Likewise I would love to read & write and would love the look of the words/font & how they looked on the page. I also loved the sound/feel of me writing with a pen or marker on paper. My love for horses? Also rooted in this sensation thing, as I loved the sounds they made and stuff.

What is wrong with me? :p

I will say I have seen many therapists as a child for help with my shyness, family issues, and other things and none of them ever mentioned Aspergers.
I think there is a common core of experiences, challenges, aptitudes, and anomalies among Aspies. If you find yourself mostly relating to others' experiences it is a good indication that you are on the spectrum, too. Should you decide to seek a professional opinion, I highly recommend you do as much research as possible in advance, as there is (for some reason) still a lot of ignorance in the psychiatric community regarding Autism Spectrum Disorder in women. And remember, there is a lot right with you!

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