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Create Our Own Businesses


Does anyone here has an interest to develop his/her ideas into a viable, sustainable and even awesome business? Share your ideas here.
I want to have my own small business but still can't come up with a viable idea. I tried setting myself up as a dog carer some months ago and advertised but only got one phone call. I also tried personal training but got no calls either as the area I live in is a more bread and butter economy. I do know of a guy in my area who became a billionaire as he started a mobile phone sales company just at the time mobile phones came out. So it was the timing that made him successful. I suppose you need to be aware of some new product people will want and sell it at the right time when demand is high.

Does anyone here has an interest to develop his/her ideas into a viable, sustainable and even awesome business? Share your ideas here.
From my own perspective as an investor, my greatest focus is on inelastic demand relative to the state of the economy. That is, to consider only those things not only in demand, but what are considered essential to society. It's a good place to start IMO, no matter what business you're contemplating.

Of course there are other key issues, like having the proper capitalization and a sound business plan. As a "new venture" it could take as many as three years for your fledgling business to turn a profit. In essence you want to have enough money to perpetuate your business over such a period of time. It's also likely that commercial insurers will be looking for such capitalization, and that as a new venture your insurance premiums won't be cheap either.

Internet businesses bypass a great deal of overhead concerns relative to brick-and-mortar operations. Another big dynamic to think about. Some Internet businesses are simply amazing.
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I'd be happy as self employed as opposed to being into business. I've been self employed before when I set up a language school in Europe. This was just giving English classes and I did well at the time. So, now real desire to become a company director or anything.
I carefully thought of a number of options. These include boat building, boat hire (for holidays), selling cycles, walking dogs or animal care when people away on holiday.
I concluded that much depends where you live. The reality is where I live now it's a bread and butter economy. Mostly people spend on food and basic stuff like mobile phones. Of course, internet business changes that equation to selling all over the globe.
Not long ago I did a bit of research on ebay business which I'm led to believe isn't as easy now as it used to be. People would shop around for items they can sell on ebay and so on.
One thing that goes against me really is I'm not a business person and am more into science. So for me just being self employed so I have time to to work on my science projects is fine.
Still hoping to hit on a good idea.

From my own perspective as an investor, my greatest focus is on inelastic demand relative to the state of the economy. That is, to consider only those things not only in demand, but what are considered essential to society. It's a good place to start IMO, no matter what business you're contemplating.

Of course there are other key issues, like having the proper capitalization and a sound business plan. As a "new venture" it could take as many as three years for your fledgling business to turn a profit. In essence you want to have enough money to perpetuate your business over such a period of time. It's also likely that commercial insurers will be looking for such capitalization, and that as a new venture your insurance premiums won't be cheap either.

Internet businesses bypass a great deal of overhead concerns relative to brick-and-mortar operations. Another big dynamic to think about. Some Internet businesses are simply amazing.
I'd be happy as self employed as opposed to being into business.

I have to say, in retrospect to discovering I'm an Aspie, being self-employed might be one of the most positive decisions I made. It gives me a level of empowerment I never had working in the corporate world having to be responsible to so many people. It's scary at times, but I feel in control. Gives me confidence on a level I never really had with corporate employers. People are no longer an obstacle in the professional sense. Except maybe the boss. Sometimes he can be a pain in the arse. :D
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I started My own carpet cleaning business almost 10 years ago. It is a great business, but You do have to deal with customers. I have overcome alot of my social anxiety over the years but am still pretty shy, but I can chat with customers to a degree. I love not having to answer to a boss. It wasn't easy getting it all started but after 3 years of heavy advertising I reached a point where I was serving mostly referral and repeat customers and picking up some new ones every year from my website. I highly recommend self employment!
I plan on maybe doing an Apple type thing some time, get some other people that are interested in computers together and just come up with something innovative and revolutionary, then just look for someone willing to invest a lot of money into it (highly unlikely I know, but there's a chance nonetheless) I hate the idea of being employed by some sort of corporation where I can't do stuff I'm interested in, If I where to be employed, I would want it to be somewhere like Google, or a start-up of some form. Somewhere where I can do something I'm passionate about.
Yep! I'm starting my own as we speak. And tom! I'll link you a self employment free online support network link. And guess what?! It was started buy an aspie focusing on ASD adult members specifically!
I just found it! Yea! It's a bran new aspie be your own boss support group! If you want to be part of entrepreneurs or hopeful ones and are the the spectrum. Register here for free! And tell EVERYONE else who you think might be a strong member for it too! Login
Loomis, do you need to make a living too? Or is family/ gov./ savings enough for you?
Loomis I just saw the work you linked! Good job! You defiantly are good at that. If you want you could join the ASD online self- employment group. It's really up to you. And what you think would be best. I don't know enough about you yet to know if you'd be a fit or not. But, u can always quit, if you try it and it's not for you. If you have great business skills you might be a good teacher or role model for some of us too. !;) I knw u didn't ask, but, I felt I should share.
Does anyone here has an interest to develop his/her ideas into a viable, sustainable and even awesome business? Share your ideas here.

Yes, and yes. I have a long time ago studied horticulture and after realizing that most horticultural establishments simply abuse their workforce I jumped right in and created my own business. Best decision of my life, because you will learn about every aspect of business. Meaning you will learn so many different skills that you would never learn in a job.

Plan to do that with my second career too.
If I could financially manage it, I would love to open up what I would call "The Cat Cafe" or something along those lines. Simply a cafe where people can come and go, to play with the cats. :)
If I could financially manage it, I would love to open up what I would call "The Cat Cafe" or something along those lines. Simply a cafe where people can come and go, to play with the cats. :)

I love your idea. Coffee and cats. WOW for those of us that can't have pets. Love it! :-)
I love your idea. Coffee and cats. WOW for those of us that can't have pets. Love it! :)
It's probably my greatest ambition, sadly though, it wouldn't be financially reliable so I can't see it happening in the near future (despite my best intentions).
I started my own business about a year and a half ago. I edit novels etc for indie authors, as well as writing media releases and web content. It keeps me a bit hermit-y and at home, but I like it that way :)


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