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CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS: Autistic Self Care and Community Support Zine


Note: I asked about posting this here and an admin said I could.

This zine (small self-published booklet) is going to be a compilation zine by and for autistic people on autistic self care and intra-community support. I'm going to compile the submissions and release it as a free pdf for the autistic community.

As an autistic person who occasionally struggles with executive function and “autistic inertia,” sometimes the typical self care advice just doesn’t work for me. I’ve found that getting other people to guide me or tell me to do something is helpful, and I’d be willing to return the favor, so this is an important subject to me. I’d like to explore the ways that autistic community can make the results of working together greater than the sum of our individual efforts.

Also, I’ve noticed that most self care advice tends to be directed at allistic people, and I can’t find much tailored specifically to autistic people. Sometimes the things I think would be helpful, like requesting support for supposedly “easy” tasks, are seen as awkward, taboo, or immature, often leading to me avoiding asking them of allistic people. I think all of these things deserve more dialogue to bring them into the open and provide useful advice to fellow autistics.

Possible Submission Topics:

  • Building support networks in autistic community
  • Dealing with depression and anxiety as an autistic person
  • Autistic inertia and self care
  • Addressing barriers to self care
  • Making self care manageable
  • Sensory self care
  • How we can help each other care for ourselves
  • And anything else you can think of!

  • You must be autistic (on the autism spectrum) to submit. Self-diagnosed people are welcome. If I’m low on submissions, I may accept pieces from people with similar issues to those faced by autistics, such as allistic people with ADHD or SPD.
  • You must be over the age of 13 to submit.
  • Keep things SFW (safe for work, no explicit content)
  • Try to keep submissions a reasonable length (probably under 10 pages)
  • This should go without saying, but refrain from including sexist, racist, heterosexist, cissexist, ableist, or otherwise bigoted material in your submissions.
  • Please don’t use functioning labels in your pieces. Also, avoid talking about Autism Speaks.
  • You can include an “about the author” section with links to blogs, etsy shops, etc.
  • You may submit multiple pieces.
  • Submissions will be edited lightly for spelling and grammar. If I think something else should be changed, I’ll contact the author
  • No poetry, please.
  • Art submissions are okay if they include text.
Important Stuff:

By submitting, you are giving me permission to include your work in this zine. The zine will have a free pdf version released online (including a version that will work with screenreaders) and maybe a print version to be sold online. Authors retain copyright to their submissions.

Tentative Submission Deadline: May 31st, 2015

To Submit: Email me your submission at metaparadox11 (at) gmail (dot) com

If you want, you can also submit through Tumblr (I’m at oliviaszines and paradoxnow, my personal blog) or the We Make Zines community. Feel free to ask me questions.

In case you’re curious, I’m a 22 year old autistic (diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome) girl who is still fairly new to the autistic community (it took a long time to find someone who would take me seriously enough to diagnose me) and the world of zines (which are now my strongest special interest.) If you have any advice from either side, I’d love to hear it!

- Olivia

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