Scatterbrained Creative
I am curious if anyone here feels as though this term fits them.
Personally, although I am not autistic, I do exhibit some traits commonly associated with the condition. Mainly how I get overstimulated by sensory information, sometimes flap my hands or pace when stressed, can be a bit literal-minded at times which sometimes leads to me missing sarcasm, and every so often I don't realise that I'm accidentally yelling or even whispering. I have to wonder how many people would fall under the Broad Autism Phenotype, and in comparison how many others show little to no signs.
One time my friends and I took the RAADS-R test, it was interesting to note that one of them scored in the 80's range whereas the other was much lower (in the 30's). Usually I get a result in the 110-137 range, the last time I took it I got 123.
Although I have had problems in the past regarding socialising, I am much better at picking up on queues now. Haven't mastered picking up on sarcasm completely yet, although I'm quite good at using it myself. Sometimes I notice it, other times not so much.
Personally, although I am not autistic, I do exhibit some traits commonly associated with the condition. Mainly how I get overstimulated by sensory information, sometimes flap my hands or pace when stressed, can be a bit literal-minded at times which sometimes leads to me missing sarcasm, and every so often I don't realise that I'm accidentally yelling or even whispering. I have to wonder how many people would fall under the Broad Autism Phenotype, and in comparison how many others show little to no signs.
One time my friends and I took the RAADS-R test, it was interesting to note that one of them scored in the 80's range whereas the other was much lower (in the 30's). Usually I get a result in the 110-137 range, the last time I took it I got 123.
Although I have had problems in the past regarding socialising, I am much better at picking up on queues now. Haven't mastered picking up on sarcasm completely yet, although I'm quite good at using it myself. Sometimes I notice it, other times not so much.