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need advice

  1. Beanfinity

    Overbearing parent or am I being too selfish? halp

    Here's the heart of the issue: I really need time alone, as in I don't even want to be contacted or asked how I am doing or anything. I only have the energy to text with a few friends, and that's on a very irregular basis (which they are all totally fine with. I can go days without responding...
  2. A

    Going randomly non verbal

    OK so, at school today during my first period I went extremely non verbal, and haven't been able to talk. I don't know what happened, but I just started to silently break down and I realized that I couldn't physically bring myself to talk. I've said a total of like 15 words since classes...
  3. Y

    A girl at a game store I (24-year-old male) go to asked me out today and I'm not sure what to do

    At this game store I go to, there's a girl there and we've played Warhammer for a few months now. Today, completely out of the blue when there were other people around, she came up to me and asked if I wanted to go out with her this weekend. It was very surprising for me, but I ended up saying...
  4. V

    Struggling with Communication

    Hi. i’m Virginia. I am in a marriage where my Husband and I miscommunicate daily which has led to some deep-seated resentments and grievances for both of us. I interact with the world and express myself mostly relationally and emotionally. He interacts with the world mostly logically and...
  5. Siegfried Wolfram

    I need some advice (tiny work-related issue)

    Well, hi everybody, this is about a tiny work-related issue I've been having and I find it hard to figure out what to do. The situation is the following: I am working from home since last year, and the company I work at we've been having regular Skype meetings about work. I write stuff for work...
  6. X

    Hi Everybody, I’m Here To Learn

    My name is Xander and I’m a NT Male, who has recently found myself attracted to an Aspie Female. I mainly joined this forum so that I can at least begin to understand how the mind of an Aspie works. I met a girl who works as a cashier for the gas station I go to at least 2-3 times a day while...
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