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  • The thing with Schrodinger's cat is it is 'both' only nine times. Then the theory of the Cat's Schrodinger takes over.
    The leader of Aspergistan will be selected by lot.
    Will the losers turn into pillars of salt?
    The are the best of dogs... :) They are the craziest of dogs :( 'A Tale of 4 Chihuahuas'
    Tardigrades are cool
    Turanga Veela
    Turanga Veela
    My boys and I are on an intermittent quest to find them. We gather damp moss from various environments, soak it as directed, and peer at the water under our microscope. But, alas, not a water bear to be seen. Yet.
    i just found out about them. How about the ocean? I read they live in the spaces between sand grains
    "Poofter's Froth, Wyoming March Eleven Sixty-Seven Take a letter Miss Abetter As our pigeons Will be homing"
    Totalitarians - 3, Free World - 0
    From the cold war to this in less than one generation.
    Yes... I could of sworn we already went thru this. Cold War II, the sequel.
    Cold war is over a Hot war comes :(
    All new members will be given their Colonial Marine assignments shortly. If you have previous experience with Pulse weapons please...
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