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  • I am all the way in Caldwell, OH for my birthday weekend. I will be checking out the Wilds tomorrow. So why am I sad? Because I miss my cat Misty, and I honestly think she misses me too...
    My stepdad, who is watching Misty, said that she kept following him and spent most of her time in my room. And I won't be back until Monday...
    My idiot mother didn't know that GOLO is a scam, even though I told her a thousand times. She used my credit card without permission, and now my bank won't let me spend money. I hate my mom right now...
    I think it's $60 a bottle. Not really falling for their shenanigans, that's for sure!
    My mom is subsceptible to scams too. Anybody remember the recession-era "acai berry" scam? Yep, she fell for it. Like so many other marks, she had to cancel her card when she discovered she'd signed up for a $100/mo "subscription" that couldn't be canceled, despite me warning her. She also bought a cheap bracelet for me that supposedly would calm me without adderall.
    I refused to wear it because I told her it was just a piece of pot metal and plastic. She got angry and accused me of being closed minded. The alternative I guess is having one's mind being so open that it falls out and gets run over by a truck. At least she used her own card for that junk.
    Power is out at my house due to an unneeded thunderstorm. I'm sweating, I'm bored, and am starting to get impatient. This is exactly why I hate storms.
    Read something.
    Download a copy of Cornelius Agrippa's De Occulta Philosophia, and study it in candlelight, like scholar studying occult texts in the XV century.

    Bonus points: De Occulta Philosophia is one of the book Dr. Frankenstein read to create his Daemon. Read the full Frankenstein while you're doing other spooky things.
    Philosophy isn't really my thing...
    Starting to realize that I don't fit in anywhere, no matter how much I try. Recent example is at the animal shelter I volunteer in, been there for less than a year now. Every shift, before I get a chance to, someone else volunteers to do something, meaning I don't usually do much except stand like an idiot. I feel as if I have left zero impact on this place, to the point where I feel like leaving.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    I'll bet you have made a difference for the animals there. It's very nice of you to volunteer at a shelter, so many people would not even think of doing that.
    I've been there. It's really awkward, to be in a place and realize I'm not needed, and sometimes feeling like everyone would be more comfortable if I were not there. Often I stop taking part in these things. There are other volunteering options.
    My cat is starting to slow down. Some prayers would be appreciated.
    So sorry. That friend/cat has always been there for you. I visited the lady with 9 cats last nite. She has 6 litter boxes. The kids were fighting last nite. Annabelle, Sarah, Casper - those are the names l know now. They are starting to get use to me.
    I failed yet another day; I had a huge anxiety attack at IMR today because we had a sub who skipped check-in, and I walked out.
    Some days, we fail. Maybe you can still learn something useful from your difficult experience.
    There was nothing useful I have learned. None of the other group members are autistic, therefore no one knows what I go through. They just tell me to wing it or suck it up. I am thinking of leaving IMR because of this.
    I decided to leave IMR. Something tells me I made the wrong decision, though, because I feel bad about it now.
    Does anyone know the odds of a city as big as Cleveland being hit by a tornado? I may be getting very severe weather where I am at tomorrow, and it's making mr anxious and scared. :(
    It looks like the forecast in Cleveland is pretty mild concerning any extreme weather for tomorrow. It’s best to be informed and prepared, but based on how much you dislike storms, maybe it is just your anxiety getting the better of you. Hang in there, try not to worry too much if you can.
    Thanks, l just my roof replaced about 3 weeks ago. Just have to replace gutter, and fix the front of my place. My neighbor lost her carport roof and some roof of her house. I am trying to find resources for her. She doesn't have the money, and she has ten cats that depend on her. Yes, this was Ian.
    I am more or less worried about losing my mother and cat, I consider them my best friends, and losing them would be heartbreaking.
    Trying to fight the urge, but I feel like I need to punch a hole in the wall.
    Forest Cat
    Forest Cat
    You shouldn't, sometimes you will hit a stud and then the wall hits your hand instead. No hole, just very painful.
    Could you punch something soft like pillows again and again and again?
    I ended up scraping my right leg after the concrete stairway outside my home collapsed while I was walking up to the porch. My leg isn't broken, but I will have to call the landlord.
    You are so lucky. Glad you are okay.
    I'm so sorry. That's scary. Did you twist your ankle or scrape your knee? Poor dear. I hope it's not too much of a climb to get to your apartment.
    I didn't do any of those things thankfully. I live in the bottom floor of a duplex, so it's not that far of a climb.
    I feel like dying again. I only make about a thousand a month from SSI and my mother kept borrowing money from me. I just want to get more Pokemon cards...
    She shouldn’t be accessing your money — especially spending it on that. That’s really unfair on you. Can you not hide it somewhere or prevent her from having access?
    I can try
    I agree. I understand family dynamics are hard for us to deal with. Can she try the patches?
    I hate having social anxiety, I actually broke down and cried after having to communicate with someone.
    I've been there, too. Sorry you're going through this, it's not easy.
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