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The major Major MAjor MAJor MAJOr MAJOR MAJOr MAJor MAjor Major major difference in learning sign language from apps is usually in the baby sign category.

For some reason, they smile when teaching you the sign in baby signs.

Oh, it's just culture, you say?

Lamh Signs (Irish) , Baby Sensory Signbook (British) , Auslan Tutor 2 (Australian) , ASL Flurry (American)

For that person who just got offended by me using the word American when there are 35 countries in North, Central, and South America, the sign language is called "American Sign Language".

Well, the point is for some reason, they smile for the videos when they teach baby signs. It's easier to learn signs like that. I couldn't say why.

What are "baby signs"?

Baby signs are a reduced set of signs(5000 to a 150 or 75.. a reduction) picked because they are more intuitive to learn and communicate a need, want, emotion, or expression in the simplest and fastest way possible. The idea is that the reduction of signs a baby can learn before they can communicate by speech. Different sign languages have different concepts about what is baby sign. Ireland has a fork in the road immediately with Lamh Signs - baby sign to assist in communication for children of all ages and ISL baby sign which appears to be a reduced set of ISL signs for young children. It seems to me so far that the number of baby signs varies widely. The AusLan app section has 52, the British app claims 250, and the Lamh app has 105 signs (click the i for information after starting the app so you can see the Signs Library link). The rough idea is if any two people regardless of age share a few signs, communication might be smoother and both will be less frustrated due to communication issues.

Yes, you could completely jumble them all up, learn all the English taught signs for children from Australia to UK... which is at least 5 sign languages and have a secret baby sign language with someone for kicks. Who knows five sign languages, anyways?

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