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It all seemed quite reasonable, the virtual testing of it all. By video we shall teach you vocabulary, then we will test you by quizzes to see what you have learned. And so it went, and it was easy. It was comfortable. It was very nice and soothing until that day, where there was no vocabulary, but a three minute conversation to which no quiz could be seen. If you clicked to see the quiz and tried to leave immediately, you would get a zero at your lack of attempt. The rising stress was worrisome. The class was closed. Visited rarely, unsure of so much of that conversation that was to be tested. Thoughts occurring were about escaping, just throw in the towel! Stop paying for this class. This is nuts.

So it went. Sometimes, I gathered enough nerve to visit... but I couldn't click that button. A zero as the risk? This is absolute madness. Maybe I'll stop paying. That's the solution here. There are other things on the plate, this will certainly take too much time and prevent them from getting done.

One morning, I was just about to send the text. 'Please cancel this' . I happened to be logged in. Well, I guess I should just click the test link, I mean, maybe the questions won't be so bad? Maybe I'll be able to pass. I don't know. I'll just try.

I timidly clicked the link. The spinning, the pause, the test loading, the 3 minute conversation, and -

a question -

'Does he live with his cat?'

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