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I'm blogging my first blog post [Yeah]

Hello this is my blog.

First things first. I am a bet odd sometimes, it is my personality. I was born with all personality and all heart my mom always say's.

My family and friends tell me I am very honest it gets me in trouble sometimes, I think it can be good and bad being honest plus I can't help it. I have learned over the years not to be afraid of being unique or diffident. It is my gift to be who I am so I should treat it like gold or a rare jewel. I am proud to be who I was born to be ME! I don't just have Aspergers I also have a rare movement disorder and a personality disorder. I think the biggest upside of having all my so called issues is that I am stronger for it in the end and that the more that comes at me the more I am able to handle later on. So bring it on and I will come through with a smile. :rofl:


I'm so glad that you are able to accept and like yourself for who you are and not as the rest of the world wants you to be. Please don't ever take that for granted.

There was a time when people like you and me were not allowed to be ourselves. We were told almost daily that there was something wrong with us, worse yet, something shameful about being ourselves. Some of us ended up being locked up because we could not or would not conform. If we were bullied because of our differences the ones in charge looked the other way. If we tried to stand up for ourselves we were punished. I am who I am today partly because I underwent extensive behavior modification training (rewards and punishment--mostly punishment). It colors how I react to things yet it is something that I cannot talk about because the majority of people who have had "normal" childhoods do not understand. It's sort of like being brought up in a cult and brainwashed then somehow getting away from the cult and now having to make it in the outside world--when you try to talk about your experiences those who have not experienced the same thing tell you to just get over it and not think about it and put the past in the past, yet those experiences are part of who you are.

So please keep smiling and keep that positive attitude and don't let the world break you like it has so many others.
Thank you hun,

I have been through abuse when I was kid and my parents were drug addicts. I seam to be a lot different from most of my family. I have a few younger family members who have learning problems also Autism. I lived with my grand mother at the age of five too age seven. She had taken me for those years no one knew were I was. By the time they found me nothing could be done, charges were dropped and my grand mother got away with it tell today my dad and grand mother denies what happen. This up set my mom, I have forgave my grand mother. Life is not mint to be an up set I sure be happy with what I have now and remember what I didn't have so I can see how I have changed for the good. :)

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Beautiful Mind
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