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Dsoe Autism exist in East Central Indiana?

I have herad how Aspies can be toward sarcasm so...Just to be clear... the title is scarasm....lol...

Undiagnosed;42246 said:
Where I am from...small town, rural Indiana where everyone knows and/or is related to everyone...And I do not know anyone who know of anyone who knows of anyone who has Asperger's in this area. I take that back... I do remember one foster kid that my mom once fostered who was diagnosed with some type of autism/asperger's. My son is now 13 and I recentley looking into Asperger's becouse I saw a character in a movie with Asberger's who reminded me of my son! Yea after I read a lot about Asperger's I was certain tha's what my son has had all along.

When I took him to our doctor in third grade he was diagnosed with , didn't realy seem to evaluate him just took a breif description o f the problems and prescribed something to treat ADD. Then later in I hink third grade I remember haveing a meeting involveing me and all my sons teachers and princapal to talk about how to help him in school. After hearing the description of my sons problems/actions;/traits from me and from his teachers the principal of over thirty years shook his head in aww and said that he had never incountered a student such as this. The teachers seem lost and puzzles as well. Never was the word autism or asperger's mentioned. I continued with the ADD thing feeling it want the correct answer but haveing no clue what was. My son was still different than other ADD kids.

At one point I heard of what was supposed to be a very good nuroligist in Fort Wayne Indiansa which is a two hour drive from me. I had no clue what a nurologist was or if that was who I needed to take my son to. I took him there and got nothing. A very breaf, so called evaluation. I tryed to emphasize the traits I beleived my son to have that just don't fit ADD and must be something else. I got nothing. Sorta shrugged off. No new diagnosis. No answers.

My son continumd alone in school haveing increasing problems with every year of school demanding more of him. In sizth grade I asked for an evaluation from his school for extra help for him. It was conclued that his intelegense was within normal disqualifying him for 'special educational services'. He was also evaluated by a school phycologist or phyciatrist whatever. The notes the evaluator put down were like..." did not engage in typical age appropriate interaction"...and the evaluator noted that he was not able to gain a repore with my son due to my sons lack of engaeing in interaction/conversation. He also noted that he found it unusual how my son just got up and leaft the room without saying something like..."is the test over?"

So, after the evaluatons was done there was a meeting with this school phycologist and the school principal and some of my sons teachers... Dosn't what I have mentioned on the evaluation report raise red flags saying Autism or Asperger's??? Now I beleive so although I was clueless at the time. So in this meeting was the word autism or asperger's even mentioned?? NO!!.. Nothing...The teachers seemed to not get what I was tying to explain about my son and the school pycologist talked about the report he did and aoubt my sons lack of social skills.... yea his ...'lLACK OF SOCIaAL SKILLS' I remember discussing in a quite detailed conversation . yet no Red Flags going up in the psycologists mind saying autism, or asperger's?? The only advise he had for me was that he did agree there was something else gooing on with my son other that ADD and that a nothe diagnosis may help. they gave me a bunch of papers witha bunch of places to posably take him.

Now, like going on three weeks ago I find out about Asperge's becouse I looked it up becouse I saw a character in a movie who reminded me of my son....... I'v read and read and read and it describes my son...!!!

7 1/2 years of school, three different schools, many teachers/ principals and school psycologists, a family practicioner, a nurologist,... are all clueless ....ANd then I I find Aspergers due to identifying my son with a movie character??!!! And it ends up fitting him, in my mind with no uncertanty...... Do I think there is enough awairness??? Aparentley not in my area!!


Even in big cities the best psychologists make wrong diagnoses. My son was misdiagnosed with ADHD and a Visual Motor Integration defect when he was four and seven by the two best child psychological institutes in Minneapolis and Saint Paul, Minnesota. We knew the explanations were inaccurate but it took us another six years before he was accurately diagnosed with aspergers. We also had to fight for the educational services he required but "did not qualify for" because he lacked a diagnosis. We did not get the services he needed until he entered high school. Even then they were provided grudgingly only after we appealed to the State of Minnesota and threatened legal action. Money is a factor with the schools since special education services are expensive. Ignorance is another obstacle. One teacher accused our son of being obstinate and defiant. Nicolas is a very good-hearted boy and always wants to do what is right. Accusing him of defiance broke his heart and he was dumbstruck and speechless at the accusation.

All I can say is be persistent and find an autism expert to do an evaluation.
The problem is, Undiagnosed, is that you are a layperson and therefore do not know your son as well as these professionals who have only seen him for a few minutes of their busy time. I'm serious. It's the "doctor knows best" mentality. And yes, unfortunately you do have to fight. God help the parent or person who does not have the time, resources, or energy or knowhow to fight. God help their children. No one else will. And since He tends to be busy elsewhere then what that really means is there is no help from that quarter, none that I've seen at any rate.

The problem is money. We can spend all kinds of money on all kinds of useless things but at the end of the day there is simply no money for schools. There is no money for other people's children. There is no will to help other people's children.

It's not just autism, it's a whole list of other conditions. People with problems are simply expensive nuisances and inconveniences. Someday through the miracles of science we will be able to eliminate or prevent from being born those among us who have problems like autism. Then the rest of the world can live happily ever after in paradise.

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