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Biomedical aspects of autism

1.Have you ever wondered what role the nutrition and gastrointestinal and immune systems play in autism
2. Why do children with autism have traces of mercury or other heavy metals in there system

Well before I explain the correlation between autism and nutrition, gastrointestinal and immune function I gonna explain to you how all that stuff works.

First off I will introduce some basic molecules and there part in nutrition

Protien- is a series of ammio acids connected together think of it as a group of beads hooked together in a chain
Fats- made up of a strong of lipids
Carbohydrates- string of simple sugars

1.Our body takes each of the individual molecules and breaks the down into smaller pieces gradually until a protein is a set on individual ammio acids until at fat is a set of individual lipids and until are carbohydrate is a set of simple sugars it does this using enzymes which are kinda like scissors gradually cleaving one molecule in the chain at a time. Then our bobby takes each of the molecules and uses the, for energy to build things the body needs using enzymes as well that can also add things as well as take away.

2.How does the body do this and where
Well for proteins it starts in the mouth salvia has enzymes that break down food the stomach breaks down the protein further until it reaches the small intestine where the pancreas then secretes more enzymes until there is only 2 or three ammio acids left in the chain our internal cells have little extensions containing the last enzyme needed to break down the 2-3 chain ammio acid.

2.Also in-order To use the ammino acids, lipids, and sugars to make energy and our bodies building blocks we need vitamins such as the b vitamins the are often referred to as cofactors meaning certain things can't be made without them. Not only that our body has its own enzymes for changing vitamins into there active form and some times if your deficient in that enzyme you may be taking in the vitamins but there not in the right currency say you have an American Express card and you have money on it but the store won't take a,Erica's express it doesn't matter if you have the money if you can't use it.

4. So how does this all play into autism well the first thing you need to know is that many kids with autism have the mthnfr gene mutation which leaves there body at 60 % efficiently for converting folic acid into its active form or if the mutation is on both genes brings the body down 20% Efficiency. Why would that be important well for one folic acid in its active form is needed for the baby to develop properly in the womb. And it also affects the body's ability to produce because its a cofactor in turning the ammio acid tyrosine into l-dopa before it becomes dopamine, and dopamine is involved in attention and motivation. Folic acid in its active form is also a cofactors in our bodies ability to make own own antioxidant which is responsible for filtering out potentially dangerous substances such as heavy metals and mercury.

Also many kids with autism have a hard time converting b6 into its active form. This affects serotonin production which depression and OCD have been linked it also affects histamine production which has to do with sleep apatite and inflammation, it affects l-dopa turning into dopamine,It also affects GABA production which has to do with anxiety. And it affects protein synthesis of the making of proteins enzymes are also proteins particularly the own
Responsible for breaking down gluten and casein.

1. Okay now that you know the basics how does the immune and gastrointestinal system tie in well as you know both in Asperger's and autism there is a delay in the developmental of the perceptual ability to read body language normal happens around 3 mouths of age right when the more reflex goes away. First what is the Moro reflex the Moro reflex is a built in survival reflex the cause the infant to arch it's back in response to feeling like there going to be dropped because there muscles can't support me yet it basicly keeps the baby safe it also inhibits or stops the other reflexes from going away causing the sensory processing disorder. So what happens when that reflex stays longer than it should, well I sure you have all herd of an adrenaline rush if not its our body's flight and fright hormone it's secreted on response to stress and prolonged stress can have some negative effects. Every time and individual with autism is frustrated or stressed or overloaded by sensory information often times is multiple times a day. That prolonged stress realeases another hormone to help relative the body if stress its called cortisol. Cortisol depresses the immune system, stops the molecule that's says its time to turn off inflammation, and I causes abnormal IgG antibodies that attack food kids with autism eat causing I tolerances. When the immune system is depressed a nasty little fugi called Candidiasis or more commonly know as a yeast infection makes its way into the small intestine and multiplies normally its just an ovua shaped fugi that's killed off but the depressed immune system allows it to grow kinda like a seed sprouting a root and it digs its roots into the cells of your small intestine poking little holes along the way causes leaks hence the name leaky gut normaly because there is a lot of bad stuff in there only lipids ammio acids and sugars can pass through but with the wholes poked and the body's lack of abilty to turn off inflammation you also get inflammatory bowel deases symptoms making the hole bigger. On autism because of there b6 to active form deficiency they aren't breaking down gluten and casein all the way and its released into the blood stream shaped like morphine further widening and damaging the gut. When the not fully broken down molecules binds to a receptor in the brain it can cause euphoria hyperactivity symptoms as well as inhibiting pain that's why some kids with autism are less sensitive to cold hot weather and there attire may be not suited for the occasion.

So these combinations of factors are what can cause some of the behavioral symptoms of autism in regarded to sleep attention mood anxiety. And oxidative stress as well as ineffient energy production to think move and preform bodily functions.

What can you do to help
Supplement a vitamin b complex all in active forms
Vitamin B6
(as pyridoxal-5-phosphate)
Folic acid b9
(as (6S)-5-methylfolate) Methyltetrahydrofolic acid, glucosamine salt)†
Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin)

Probiotics to help repopulate the gut with good bacteria
Antifuglals and natrual antibiotics to kill off yeast + vitamin c to help neutralize neurotoxins realeses when yeast dies

Dipeditase-IV enzyme that breaks down gluten and casein

Heavy metal detox

All these solutions should be monitored by a doctor or defate autism now certified indivuduals this to simply give people a greater understanding so they can make good choices for themselves and there child. There has been a lot of Rouge dotors making false claims about vaccines and more recently a doctor said by giving kids with autism a mineral soultion that turns I to industrial strength bleach and enema will cure autism and other diaseses this is not true and the FDA has issues a warning against it. The biomedical aspects of autism aren't the cause the are an after effect of the Moro reflex and genetics.


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