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Blog list

This cr azy person (Frank) started threatening someone and making serious false accusations, to the person who stood up to him, ME, AFTER that crazy person (Frank) was called out for stalking and harassing a famous person (Miranda Cosgrove), but furthermore, that crazy person (Frank) has even...
An Adult-Diagnosed high school graduate from the Harrisburg area trying to make some friends in the middle of a global pandemic.
Two days ago I had a bit of a meltdown. I was so upset after two phone calls that day and i had turned my music up SO loud while washing dishes to calm me down, and I didn't hear my husband walk in the door after work and he decided to play a friendly joke of "spooking" me which caused me to...
How I feel about Touhou original soundtracks, noting some of my favorites and attempting to describe music.
Dear Participant: I am a psychology major at St. Mary’s College of Maryland. I am conducting a study on identity-first and person-first language related to autism. This online research survey will ask questions about autism identity-centrality, perception of stigma attached to autism, language...
Just me talking about whatever strikes me at the time. I don't have any particular topic I actually want to discuss, really; I just want to get a bunch of stuff off my chest when I need to.
Starting to explore loose leaf teas that are supposedly more authentic, mostly Japanese and Chinese types. May also talk about fresh herbal brews.
Hello everyone, I'm Drakkon89. I'm here to seek some serious answers that I've been after for a long time but they have become even more pressing since moving. Same bs every single year, I try to do what I'm asked to do but I give into distractions and end up lying about it. The friggin tasks...
Hello everyone, I'm Drakkon89. I'm here to seek some serious answers that I've been after for a long time but they have become even more pressing since moving. Same bs every single year, I try to do what I'm asked to do but I give into distractions and end up lying about it. The friggin tasks...
Whenever things take over me I fall into a ball. Not now tho with the diagnosis. My arms are outstretched. This is me. Rodney. It’s good to be me and I like me a lot. In fact I love me. Marry me. RUn swim push and climb to the top of my mountain. It’s clear up hear. I see all the other people...
This summer my family is going to Australia for Christmas, I am not overly excited about this however it will be an adventure and something new to write about? 16/12/2019-26/12/2019
The culture surrounding health and wellness can be difficult to navigate as a neurodiverse individual as even popular resources can often alienate those who struggle with sensory sensitivities and executive function. I want to move past this, toxic productivity is something prevalent in this...
A bit of recounting of my journey to this point in the small chance it may be helpful to others. Will share anything I am learning.
This is just a general blog about things that go on in my life, and some things I'm doing. It could be anything from me managing to trip over nothing and fall down the stairs (again) or how I saw a cat the other day and it was the cutest little thing I've ever seen ever. Also random bits of me...
Did anyone grow up in a family that loved them and didn't abuse them? When I was young, like all people with Asperger's, I use to explode. My father and mother's solution was to physically abuse me. I know there has to be families out there that have treated their children differently, but...
How many people who have Asperger's have family that don't care about them. When I was in my thirties and forties, I was homeless many times. My parents and brothers never lifted a finger to help me. Now I am in my early sixties and my parents are dead. Even now, my brothers never call me to...
This blog will deal with the trials and tribulations associated with being the spouse of an AS individual. It will talk about the many behaviors and challenges spouses or partners face and brainstorm ways to deal with them. The hope is to gain coping skills and support for spouses and partners...
At hello, my love interest told me he had Asperger's. We hit it off! He made plans for us to travel by train to the east and meet his Dad during Christmas. He also made other future plans to attend concerts together. After one month, he told me he would continue to see his ex (ongoing...
All my life, I have been alone. I have only had two short term relationships. I have only felt love twice. I never felt any love for the first twenty five years of my life. It has been over twenty two years since I felt any love from anyone. As humans, we need companionship and love. Yet...
I was a former student at University of Illinois, School of Social Work with a disability called Landau-Kleffner; that is on the spectrum. I disclosed my disability by writing about it for my admission paper, so they knew ahead of time. I finished two semester at the program, but left on my...
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