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Problems with Virgin Media account

Mr Allen

Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member

I am fully aware of Google.

Anyway about an hour ago I called Virgin Media to set up a SIM Only contract with them at £13 a month for 2500 minutes, unlimited texts and 9 Gig data.

I am now trying to log in to my account using my email address and password, which was set up during the phone call, and the password does not work, I am aware it's case sensitive and have tried in both upper and lower case with no joy.

Does it take 24 hours for my account to go "live"?
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I'm not sure about whether there's a delay, but I'd check your emails to see if they've sent you anything (including spam). If not you have a couple of options apart from waiting a day to find out:

1) Try to recover your account by clicking "Sign in", then, "Forgotten your password?" from your PC.
2) Contact Virgin Media again.

Sorry I can't be more helpful.

Update: I have read the following on the Virgin Media forum, "When activating a SIM card it can sometimes take up to 24 hours to go live.", however I would somehow doubt it usually takes this long and I'm still not sure if there's a delay setting up the actual account so you can login. From experience Virgin don't always do as they say over the phone however as once when I topped up online there was a fault that caused the page to reload and it ended up topping up my redundant number instead, it took 3 calls over a period of 2 weeks before the credit was actually transferred as they kept promising within a couple of days.
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Why not just use google? All asking here does is get other people to google it for you, seems like a waste of time and effort.
There maybe a Virgin Media customer who has been through the same procedure here, but I understand where you're coming from.

Anyway you can sign up independently to the Virgin Media forum too where there's a much higher chance of getting a good answer and often Virgin staff reply themselves too.
Why not just use google? All asking here does is get other people to google it for you, seems like a waste of time and effort.
This occurs frequently, I think it is better to be reaching out as that is better than an individual being frustrated and withdrawn. For some, this community is more than an online board, it is interaction and so much more - it is what we make of it and sometimes it is what we need.

You can always update your profile through “people you ignore”.
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For the record, Virgin Media is a UK company, so this query is mainly for UK members. Thanks.
The account is now sorted.

Dad's just spoke to them on my behalf, and my existing phone number will be transferred by Wednesday.

All it takes is a bit of patience (of which I have none) and a specific way of talking to non UK call centres.

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