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I've just walked out of my job....

dude, you worked as a doctor. that is awesome.
like of course its your choice, but could you not, are there not ways to be happy in the job? because working as a doctor is awesome,
Timmy this is not a criticism, some thing else you have to take into account as an aspie, is the stress involved with a job as well. It can come in all forms, in this case it sounds like external pressure being put on Muddled, to remove him.

I am glad that things have gotten a bit better and your colleagues are more supportive. Yes management can be quite difficult. Well any bureaucracy takes forever anyways so the protection might not necessarily be too late.

I would also take note of everything and keep proof of everything you get from them. If it does not end well you will be able to turn around and go to the courts with a discrimination suit. If they have no reasons as to why you are a danger than it is discrimination due to mental health. Really, Aspies are not dangerous. You may also want to ask your shrink and psychologist to keep note of when they call and how they try to get information, they might do it illegally. Some people will push and keep asking even after your shrink and psychologist say that they do not have your consent to release information. this can be used against them as well. Especially insults like you mentioned that "you are unemployable and serve no function to society." even if just implied. I also hate how discriminatory and idiotic NTs and their bureaucracies can be. They cause so many unnecessary headaches.

Good luck.

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