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do you have an imaginary world?

yes, and I find it sort of therapeutic. I can take details from real life and fit them into this world, so any problems I have become part of these stories. when I was being bullied, I would make up friends and be able to close my eyes and picture this world. I don't like to tell many people about this world because they think i'm weird, or even schizophrenic! Most of the inhabitants in this imaginary world have some sort of mental illness or disability, along with some extraordinary ability caused of their disorder. it was a bit weird, it started out with these people who would hug me, or be my friend, but it turned into something completely different. I was suprised when I asked people my age on what their worlds were like. they told me it was things like them dating a favourite comic book character, or them in a video game. it seemed so simplistic and intellectually boring. why live in someone else's world when you can create your own? that's why I think this kind of imagination is common for people on the spectrum, given that we are so creative and have little boundaries when it comes to this sort of thing.
My imaginary world is called "Aspergeria" (pronounced As-spur-JEER-EE-uh) because I believe that it would probably never have become a part of my life if I were NT.

My first version of it was imagined in 2013 and focused on the lives of several characters in a fantasy world that was inspired partially by Game of Thrones (the setting and outfits), partially by Avatar: The Last Airbender (the elemental powers), and partially by a manga called Love Pistols (allowing homosexual reproduction to be possible). It lasted for 4 years.

As of lately though I've been focusing more on a cyberpunk-ish world where I focus on the lives of several characters who live decadent lives in the music industry.
I fantasize about that all the time, I have even written a full-length story about it :D
That is really epic! :D Usually when I bring up that aspect of my world to other people, I get... Mixed reactions, to say the least (For example, one time when I brought it up on a different forum, the topic got locked :rolleyes:) But in spite of the fact that it gets mixed reactions from other people, the idea of homosexual reproduction being possible (or to be more precise, the concept of people of differing genders besides cis females getting pregnant) has always been one of my ultimate favorite things to imagine and fantasize about. :innocent:
That is really epic! :D Usually when I bring up that aspect of my world to other people, I get... Mixed reactions, to say the least (For example, one time when I brought it up on a different forum, the topic got locked :rolleyes:) But in spite of the fact that it gets mixed reactions from other people, the idea of homosexual reproduction being possible (or to be more precise, the concept of people of differing genders besides cis females getting pregnant) has always been one of my ultimate favorite things to imagine and fantasize about. :innocent:
Omg, I am so glad I met someone who feels the same way about this topic! :D
I got in trouble for it on another forum as well... some people do have differing opinions :p
It is one of my favourite things to imagine and fantasize about as well, I write about it a lot :)
Omg, I am so glad I met someone who feels the same way about this topic! :D
I got in trouble for it on another forum as well... some people do have differing opinions :p
It is one of my favourite things to imagine and fantasize about as well, I write about it a lot :)
I am also incredibly happy that I met someone who agrees with me on this topic too! :D I've tried turning my fantasies into stories but it's very difficult to put my feelings into words, especially since I am more of a visual thinker. In the past I have drawn pictures and comics of it though. I've been out of the loop of drawing for awhile, but maybe I'll take it up again now that I feel encouraged knowing there's someone out there who appreciates the same fantasies that I do. :D Also, you can feel free to share your stories with me if you want to. I'd love to share my drawings with you someday, after I've actually practiced and made new content that is. (I have a horrible habit of destroying all of my old art and stories so unfortunately all of my old content is gone)
I am also incredibly happy that I met someone who agrees with me on this topic too! :D I've tried turning my fantasies into stories but it's very difficult to put my feelings into words, especially since I am more of a visual thinker. In the past I have drawn pictures and comics of it though. I've been out of the loop of drawing for awhile, but maybe I'll take it up again now that I feel encouraged knowing there's someone out there who appreciates the same fantasies that I do. :D Also, you can feel free to share your stories with me if you want to. I'd love to share my drawings with you someday, after I've actually practiced and made new content that is. (I have a horrible habit of destroying all of my old art and stories so unfortunately all of my old content is gone)
I draw as well :D
I would be happy to share my stories with you, and I would love to see your drawings :)
Yes, absolutely! Multiple ones in fact. When I was a child I used to imagine living in alternative versions of the actual cities/towns I've lived in. I used to create all sorts of roads, buildings, streetlights, sprinklers, and of course construction sites in my mind. I used to name the imaginary streets and always tried to make it a more powerful version of the real city. I even drew maps of the alternative cities and of course I also drew whatever I imagined so that there's also a physical version of the imaginary city, not just a mental one. I used to also build some "model" cities from my toys as a child, and imagined them to also be alternative versions of the real cities.

Later on I also started making up alternative versions of other cities, not the one I actually live in right now - for example I used to "live" in an imaginary Los Angeles and I'm pretty sure I made it the biggest city in America in terms of size. I did the same stuff - imaginary streets, buildings, streetlights and so on, with drawn maps and imaginary objects. I used to also pretend that I'm riding through those imaginary streets and made a constant humming "car" sound that seemed questionable to others. I even mimicked the car's turn signal! I was actually able to vividly imagine being in these imaginary cities! Whenever I was in a real car as the passenger and the radio played, I imagined listening to that same radio while riding the imaginary roads. Was this some kind of way to escape reality?

Right now I imagine two different types of worlds - one is of the current city I live in, but in terms of wishful thinking. In fact, it seems like my original imaginary worlds also stem from wishful thinking. I imagine having experienced some situations in the past at school that I really wish were real. I also create some imaginary construction sites in my mind (one of my special interests) that I really wish were going on in my city; I imagine them at specific road intersections. The other world is within Google Earth; I don't only make virtual trips through certain places, but I actually imagine living in those places. I listen to online radio while "riding" through those areas using Street View. I even imagine stopping at red traffic lights, making it as real as possible. Oh and I still hum pretending that I'm hearing the car engine.

What is with the obsessive wishful thinking? Am I really that dissatisfied with reality? Nevertheless I've been enjoying each and every one of these imaginary worlds to the fullest extent.
One major world I have made for my own RPG/stories. Fantasy world on one side and future Japan, linked.

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