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i dont really know what to say to be honest, ive been depressed now for two or three years and it has been getting worse, im screwing up college work, i have no social life and i just dont know what to do anymore.

im sorry people i just felt that i needed to put this somewhere.
It's alright Mike, good that you're talking. :)

I went to my GP a couple of months ago over a few problems I've been having recently and he said I have a few traits of depression. This never amounted to anything, but hey.

Have you ever had or read up on 'Cognitive Behavioural Therapy'? Willow bought me a book on it for Christmas and so far it's been quite useful. It focuses on the principle that you feel how you think, so a lot of it is just common sense. But some of it has helped me avoid those 'low' moods.
Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy by David D. Burns is the best book I ever read on cognitive therapy. Trouble is it only helps so long as you stick with it, and the problem with depression is that it tends to make you not want to do anything; totally saps your energy.

I've suffered from depression since my teens (31 now). Been in and out of counceling, psychiatrists offices, etc. On and off antidepressants (on at the moment: Citalopram). Several suicide attempts, countless years of cutting and burning (hate the phrase "self-harm" :angry: ).

Suppose I'm not the best person to be offering advice, but the thing is, depression is cyclic, which means you get up and down times, so I've simply learned to make the most of the time when the depression eases for a while. The depression coupled with long undiagnosed Aspergers pretty much swiped away most of my prospects; never went to college, had to quit every job I had through fear, etc. But I still do things. Recently had a poem published in an anthology; another book has just been released which features my first published short story. I hope one day to start making a little money from my writing. Won't be much, but so long as you are achieving something, it's kind of like sticking two fingers up at depression :)
To put a long story short, see a therapist; do some CBT; maybe some DBT and if you need them...get some meds :D
It is a great start to write here.
Do you have someone near you that you can feel that you can talk about everything with.
Try to open up, I know it is hard because I struggle myself with that.

If you don't want to talk with someone close, it accually can be easier to talk to a stranger.
There must be someone in the community that you can talk to, someone at school.
If it is easier, write down as much as you can about how you feel and give it to someone to read, it will break the ice.
I've been having regular bouts of depression since I was a little kid - like 6 or 8 years old. Pretty mild I guess compared to what a lot of depressed people go through. Never got treated for it, it just seemed "normal" and I knew that I would "pass through" it eventually.

I don't think I've been genuinely depressed for at least a couple of years - down a bit on occasion due to lack of work/income, but nothing that I would classify as depression or even close to it. Being married and having kids has seemed to level me out.
i dont really know what to say to be honest, ive been depressed now for two or three years and it has been getting worse, im screwing up college work, i have no social life and i just dont know what to do anymore.

im sorry people i just felt that i needed to put this somewhere.

i get accused of being depressed at times

it is a combination of doctors diagnosing what is really adhd as depression and ignore the fact of being tired all the time when home can be from my gas stove leaking

my apartment people make excuses to never have any problems not caused by the person complaining so i will need to just live with the gas leak and open windows as much as possible and wait for things to happen and let the city complain for me if a doctor will complain to the city about a medical problem from a gas leak

if you are fine when not home then check things like gas stove leaking and check side effects of medicine

a lot of medicine does have side effects that makes depression symptoms

you could still have depression but i would just check all those things first and see if the problem goes away when you fix the stove and stop the medicine with depression symptom side effects first

no reason to be on more medicine when it is made by some simple things
Sorry about my last reply, I didn't really want to go over my whole depressing story again. But you want some help, obviously.

I got diagnosed with Depression about 3 years ago.

I'm not going to go over everything. But it's been quite a journey. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy didn't really help me an awful lot, but it has been proven to provide a lot of benefits. There are also a lot of other therapies...including Dialectical Behaviour Therapy which can be of help. If therapy doesn't work after a while, you may be prescribed an anti depressant (and/or anti psychotic) - such as Fluoxetine (which is a Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor) or Diazepam if very severe and if you meet the requirements (Fluoxetine is the only one allowed to be prescribed to people over the age of 18 (or 16 I can't remember).

If you're suicidal you'll recieve the neccessary treatment. Psychiatric wards can be quite nice and a relaxing retreat from the world.

First you'll need to see a doctor to get a diagnoses - depending on your age you may be referred to CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service).
You're not gonna like this but...

DROP THE BOOZE! You know alcohol is a depressant.

Anyway, there are lots of things you can do. If you want to go the pharmacology route, I would highly suggest medical marijuana. You'd be surprised how much BS has been claimed by the gov't that just isn't true, is an exaggeration, or isn't even past the test-tube/petri dish stage.

I hear electroshock therapy is very effective, and very safe procedure. It's nowhere near as ridiculous as portrayed on tv.

Other than that, just try to make an effort to get out more. Go on walks. Engage in a hobby. Anything that gets you out of the house.
You're not gonna like this but...

DROP THE BOOZE! You know alcohol is a depressant.

Anyway, there are lots of things you can do. If you want to go the pharmacology route, I would highly suggest medical marijuana. You'd be surprised how much BS has been claimed by the gov't that just isn't true, is an exaggeration, or isn't even past the test-tube/petri dish stage.

I hear electroshock therapy is very effective, and very safe procedure. It's nowhere near as ridiculous as portrayed on tv.

Other than that, just try to make an effort to get out more. Go on walks. Engage in a hobby. Anything that gets you out of the house.

a lot of people do not live where medical marijuana is realistic

only places i know of is california and amsterdam

if not in those places then medical marijuana is not a option
You're not gonna like this but...

DROP THE BOOZE! You know alcohol is a depressant.

Anyway, there are lots of things you can do. If you want to go the pharmacology route, I would highly suggest medical marijuana. You'd be surprised how much BS has been claimed by the gov't that just isn't true, is an exaggeration, or isn't even past the test-tube/petri dish stage.

I hear electroshock therapy is very effective, and very safe procedure. It's nowhere near as ridiculous as portrayed on tv.

Just my 2 cents here.

Too much time to yourself, and too much thinking about your problems, doesn't help. Easier said than done for your average Aspie. Connecting with your friends helps. Also easier said than done for a lot of Aspies. Going out and having a drink or 2 with friends can help, but getting plastered by yourself in the hope of washing the bad feelings away most likely will not help at all.

Electroshock therapy is effective, but generally only prescribed for severe cases of depression that do not respond to medication.

I'd be very careful about recommending medical marijuana, sometimes the cure is worse than the cold. It may help some people, but I know that in my case it would often cause a horrendous type of depression (thankfully only while the effect of the marijuana lasted). I only tried it a few times and that was enough. I have 2 brothers in law, unrelated, who both went psychotic after many years of smoking the stuff. It may or may not be due or partly due to the marijuana. I've known other people where it has appeared to fuel some very serious paranoia and negative thinking.
pills are a no, as is electroshock (fking nutter for thinking i would do it anyway), not a fan of weed, i think ill stick to alcohol, its not as if i drink much anyway
What's DBT?

I had a day of Rational Emotive Therapy and a day of CBT... not sure if they are exactly the same thing, but it seemed like they were. It actually helped me and everyone in the class loved it. A few actually went up to the therapist after the class and thanked him.

I was depressed off and on all my life, and didn't know myself or how to explain myself, and didn't find myself until I was 17, and didn't find God until I was 21. When I was 19 I was so depressed I needed treatment (psychotherapy and citalopram). Now I'm on bupropion and it's wonderful. Aripiprazole (Abilify) too, and as long as I take the benztropine I don't get bad side effects. Abilify's good side effect is antidepression and motivation.
Just my 2 cents here.

Too much time to yourself, and too much thinking about your problems, doesn't help. Easier said than done for your average Aspie. Connecting with your friends helps. Also easier said than done for a lot of Aspies. Going out and having a drink or 2 with friends can help, but getting plastered by yourself in the hope of washing the bad feelings away most likely will not help at all.
I am not sure where you're getting this. I suggested both options of stimulating your mind through the environment you live in, and though group activity in a hobby.
I have 2 brothers in law, unrelated, who both went psychotic after many years of smoking the stuff. It may or may not be due or partly due to the marijuana. I've known other people where it has appeared to fuel some very serious paranoia and negative thinking.
Well like any other medical substance, some restraint is essential. If all you're doing is smoking copious amounts of pot, than nothing good is gonna come out of it. Moderation is key.

With the paranoia it's hard to be certain, it may be accented due to it's currant legalities in some areas.
Sometimes the reason for negative thinking is that for most people THC kinda acts much like a stimulant in that it gets you thinking. Problem is, it doesn't have any bearing in what you're thinking about, and obviously counseling during use for depression would be an intelligent idea. I really don't think that synthetic capsules do the trick though because it's only synthetic THC, which can be seriously detrimental since the naturally combating effects of cannabinoids are not in effect. Personally, I've found myself more drawn towards the indica (higher cannabinoid) strains rather than the Sativa (higher THC) due to the neurological an muscle 'heaviness', so to speak, since it slows down the neurological firing but this is most likely due to tourettes.

Anyway, like any medical substance educating yourself is usually a good idea. Personally, I think talk therapy is most often the best route of action. I think you did not see my post as i intended it. It was supposed to be an idea that wasn't mentioned yet, not my combined thoughts on the subject.

*edit* Also, with your own experiences you had the option of dropping the option as soon as you wanted to. Most other methods require a weening period to get on and off, whereas pot will give you a chance to see if it's for you. You also need to be comfortable with your environment when you're on it, otherwise it just isn't going to help you. A friend is often recommended while you're starting it, but doctors are just to damned ignorant to mention this I would imagine. Usually I mention that pot isn't for everyone, I just forgot it this time since I was up all night.
pills are a no, as is electroshock (fking nutter for thinking i would do it anyway), not a fan of weed, i think ill stick to alcohol, its not as if i drink much anyway

I believe it's actually called "Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)". Though it's only usually used with people with severe depression.

Why not anti-depressants ?

But yeah. If you're drinking that's probably what's making you depressed.
first of all, i don't drink often at all, just when i do i like to drink quite a bit, and actually i felt pretty damn good when drunk so **** you

i don't want to take drugs with short or long term non desired effects
Take it easy guy, we're all just trying to help.
The reason why you feel good when drunk is mainly because it's an altered state of reality, which in itself is temporary.

There's no need to recoil when someone makes a suggestion in a thread you asked help in, at least we're trying.
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