Pseudobulbar affect is known to occur as a comorbidity of another neurological condition. Autism does not seem to be on the list of comorbid conditions but I wonder if there can be a correlation between them. Does anyone relate to the symptoms. Online tests say that I probably have this. I laugh when embarrassed, uncomfortable scared, ect. including a couple of times when I was in potential danger (once when mean customers were in the store and once when my dad was in a rage.) I am not genuinely amused in these situations though it can be hard to convince some people. Personally I don't think this type of laughter even sounds the same as humour based laughter, but many neurotypical people do not seem to tell the difference. Ironically, people with profound autism (who supposedly would have empathy deficits) and similar conditions that I know seem to automatically know that I am scared and/or hurting at those times. I feel the emotions that I should but sometimes it expresses externally as laughter. When I genuinely find something funny it is extremely hard to stop laughing. Sometimes I just start laughing at random and don't know exactly why. At those times ,I do feel humor but do not associate the feeling to anything in particular. I have had random tears too but rarely. Also there have been times when tears would stream out of my eyes with the laughter.