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  1. Mr Allen


    So I downloaded the Tinder app last year after hearing it mentioned on Aussie soap Neighbours, and signed up for a free account, I've had a few matches including a woman from Southampton, England who wants to meet me! Problem with that is that I live in Sheffield, which is a good 4 or 5 hours...
  2. Mr Allen

    Do you use Tinder?

    I've got the app on my phone, and had a few matches and said hi to a few, but going on Tinder dates at my age? Nah probably not, or should I? Tinder is the site, and you can download the app on your phone from the App Store or Google Play.
  3. Mr Allen

    Is anyone here on Tinder?

    Topic. I know it's a dating app for phones, I downloaded the app earlier but haven't set it up yet. I'm just concerned that at just over 3 weeks shy of 41 I'm probably too old for it. I've heard it mentioned a lot on Neighbours so I thought it's possibly an Australian thing but I Googled it...
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