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  1. onlything

    Wearing headphones in public

    What does wearing headphones to public mean? Logic tells me that it means that 'I don't want to communicate, so pass me by without bothering' but I know that I shouldn't apply my logic to others. Also, it doesn't seem to work like this on too many people. I'm asked all the time during travel...
  2. WereBear

    First day at new job...

    Which is at the same place I've been for sixteen years, I just got rid of the part that was driving me insane with exhaustion. Yay! Yesterday I agreed to work as help and with a partner, handled 346 strangers in one day. Came home kinda fried, as you can imagine. But thanks to my new position...
  3. 2/3RDS

    Anyone use 'ABC' to describe their Aspergers to NT's?

    I don't know if its a real thing recognised anywhere but i find this 'ABC' explanation the best way to communicate to NT's what my HF Asperger's is like: NT's typically follow the formula, if your good at A and B, then you must also be great at C This has led to me constantly being labelled as...
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