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just for fun

  1. the frog in the fog

    Autistic songs?

    Do you know any songs that you feel are about autism and/or autistic people and/or describe things that you as an autistic person can particularly relate to? Personally, I think "A Most Peculiar Man" by Simon & Garfunkel could be interpreted that way.
  2. DaisyRose

    Halloween 2023

    Does anyone dress up on Halloween anymore? I am going goth this year and I’m excited. I love the goth aesthetic. Last year, I dressed as if I was in the 80s.
  3. Rodafina

    Will Critters Carve My Pumpkin?

    Last year, @maycontainthunder inspired me: https://www.autismforums.com/threads/post-something-weird-or-random.4754/post-902706 I tried, but these were the results: https://www.autismforums.com/threads/post-something-weird-or-random.4754/post-905932 Time to try again. :smilingimp...
  4. Rodafina

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