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Launching Your Autistic Youth to Successful Adulthood

Launching Your Autistic Youth to Successful Adulthood 2023-09-17

Book Type
  1. Paperback
  2. Digital
Katharina Manassis
The transition from high school to adulthood is one of the most challenging times for young people on the autism spectrum. What will happen when all their familiar teachers, educational assistants and friends disappear after graduation? Who will replace them in the adult world? How will they manage this drastic change?

Drawing on her experiences as the mother of a child on the autism spectrum and a child psychiatrist, Katharina Manassis shares common transition-related challenges and offers real solutions for each. The book helps parents and teens plan for every stage of the journey. This book helps parents and teens plan for every stage of the journey, including what a successful transition means and how to set realistic goals and aspects such as employment, independence and financial support.

Katharina Manassis, M.D., FRCP(C), is Professor Emerita at the University of Toronto. She is a retired child psychiatrist and mother to an autistic son who has successfully transitioned to adulthood. She lives in Ontario, Canada.

Jessica Kingsley Publishers (JKP)
237 pp.
First release
Last update


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