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  • Heh. Yes everyone is different. Um but I like chatting with you. So I just poke you from time to time...see if you squeek.
    Awww that's too bad you always have good ones. Hugs...I am sorry I am not talking much in the shoutbox tonight...I just can't.:)
    Awwww hugz...Hugz Hugz!!!!!!!!! I am glad. I like yours too. You must get tired of yours more often. I see you change it so frequently.
    Hugs hugs hugs hugs and more Hugs hugs hugs. Hugs.....Sorry...it gets too busy in the shoutbox for me.... Sometimes. Do you like my new avatar?
    Awww Geordie you're so sweet. If I could send you a big pony I would...so how about a hug instead? Hugs hugs hugs???
    Oh Geordie you do know how to make people smile:) Well you have a good day too. Hugs. ugh yawns Wish I could go back to sleep.
    Aww thanks its ok Geordie I often watch for while. Plus if its too fast for me I can't process. But I am glad to know that you like chatting. Hugs. I am very glad you are doing better. I know we all have our days even the most cheerful of us. :)
    Thanks. I might. I usually just like to watch first before I join. I like to understand the flow. :)
    Hey Geordie I might just do that. I love talking to people from all over and their cultures and stuffs. I just find interesting the differing experiences people have in within the same country or different.

    Well poke poke poke back at you. Hugs
    Well I am glad you are feeling better. Its good.

    You have a good day too. I am finally home from work. No matter how you slice it work is work :)
    I hope you don't mind me transferring the group over to you. If you ever want to transfer it back to my leadership, let me know via Facebook.
    Teehee I think i feel over from that hug nice Hugz. hugs hugs hugs. I hope you are doing betters and I know I missed you while you were gone. :)
    I'm all for focussing on the good talents and skills one has, but focussing on that does not equal "negating the bad ones".
    I responded to that thread in a way that seemed sensible for a government to act. The big flaw in humanity is that we can't do everything... it has to do with accepting our limitations, and I don't think government can overrule those limitations because "it's how we want it to be".

    On a related note; I do feel that people should enlist in educational programs where their talents really shine, not neccesarily something that (only) pays good money (which is a chance to take since you might have either too much people in that field by the time you have a degree or no use for such degree; and as such your choice of education is based on something hypothetical)
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