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Recent content by Critterlover

  1. C

    Do You Feel Like An Alien?

    I do feel "alienated" from everyone else (don't actually see myself literally as an alien, in other words) I have read so many posts on this thread that have hit the nail right on the head, for me. I have never been able to engage in small talk and can't understand how people chat and laugh...
  2. C

    Do You Have Empathy?

    I have empathy.....but it seems to totally differ from most of the people that I know. (The "normal" people?) If somebody dies that I know (excluding close family) then I don't feel sadness, it's just more of an event of interest to me but nothing more. Yet when I watch a movie where somebody...
  3. C

    poor dog...

    Well you do have a strong opinion obviously....lol. Nothing wrong with that. The problem is that the Pitbull breed is noticed because if they get in to a fight or attack a human then much damage is done because they are so strong. That's where they get the bad rap. It's not that the breed is...
  4. C

    Is it possible i have asperger?

    I did.....score indicated that is was highly likely I have Aspergers. :)
  5. C

    A possible reason Aspies are good with animals

    I have ALWAYS been passionate about animals, especially dogs. I just feel so good when I'm around them and feel a special connection, I prefer them to people. I have had (still have) many pets over the years and they all gravitate towards me more than to other members of the family. My mom...
  6. C

    Is it possible i have asperger?

    I have only just come to realize that I am probably an Aspie and I'm 53 yrs old. When I was a child I was considered unusual in certain ways by my family and I'm sure by my friends. I was always very silly, very blunt, had an extreme passion for animals but not so much for people, and just...
  7. C

    poor dog...

    Yes Pitbulls get a bad rap. Because they are a strong powerful breed that have been bred to dog fight they often end up in the very wrong hands. This is so unfortunate because they also have the ability to be a nice people loving breed. The problem is that in the wrong hands these dogs can be...
  8. C

    Is this the Asperger's?

    I'm 52 yrs and have always been different from others...especially socially. I just realized a few days ago that my "oddness" is actually mild Aspergers, when I researched Aspie online I most definitely fit the profile and to tell you the truth I was relieved! Anyway, I really don't care for...
  9. C

    Hi from Canada...

    Hi, I live on Vancouver Island which is on the west coast of Canada, and it's a beautiful place to live! Last night I just had an "Aha" moment...I realized that I probably have (mild) Aspergers. All of my life I have been "different" from others, I've always known this and it has bothered me...
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