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Age: almost 25.
Education: dropped-out college student 3 TIMES.
Medicine taking: Apa-bily, Zoplm, Valdoxan.
Self-awareness: at least 6/10. I was very toxic to my parents. I'm trying to repair our relationships now.
Relationships: willing to improve.
Eating: fixed.
Daily routine: scheduling. assuming I'm awake for 16 hours/day. I'll give the lecturer videos 9hrs/day which leaves me 7 hours to do stuff. 2 hours go to lunch/dinner/breaks then the other 5 hours would be exercising and doing questions.

Goal: ALL IN. I want to witness the day after hundreds of days' exercising and studying. The final goal.
Major Goal: Medicine. Must take 80/100 scores for English/Mathematics/Physics/Chemistry/Biology.
Therapist/psychiatrist: got both.
Willing to be alive: 15/10.(more than enough)
Hobby: wanna make some friends. learning to relax.


If you've dropped out 3 times, maybe you should change your major and I can assure that you will do better. Going to college requires a lot of your time, responsibility and dedication. Don't give up, keep trying until you graduate.

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