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Thirteen is a number associated with loss. I bet you didn't know that. Anyways, I found that bit of information from a year of Bible encryption studies. And so, this 13th page should be a page about loss. Of some sort. I guess. Though as I'm an odd one here comparatively, this loss spoken of should be way out of left field.

The thirteenth chapter of Revelation is the Beast from the Earth and the Beast from the Sea... but then life goes on to the fourteenth chapter of Revelation, the Rapture. In the first chapter of the first book of the New Testament, there are three fourteens separated, or forty two generations total(the ultimate answer), to bring Jesus in Genealogy. So from a story perspective, the number thirteen is like the most stressful and sad part of the movie before the fourteen comes where the hero saves the day.

It could also be argued that not all loss is bad. An alcoholic who stops drinking alcohol has a 'loss of alcohol', but it is a good thing.

Now, what's left field? What's way out there? If you look at the 2nd page of this blog, you'll see an array of high scores on psychometric tests that I took till I succeeded in obtaining those scores, because they're all a game score anyway. Well, I did learn a few things. Among those things that I learned is that a schizophrenic diagnosis can't take autism tests because the majority of the symptoms of schizophrenia and autism are exactly the same. Say what? No, seriously. It's true. If a person has a schizophrenic diagnosis they are not to take autism tests, just as if a person has an autism diagnosis they are not to be diagnosed with schizophrenia due to a mass of symptoms being identical.

Wait... that just... is messed up. It is what it is. People with an ASD diagnosis are protected from a schizophrenic diagnosis and people diagnosed with schizophrenia are not supposed to be tested for an ASD diagnosis. So, depending on which side you fall on might be whether you consider yourself lucky or unlucky.

Still, delusions! You can't tell me. Okay, let's be real here. A person who likes the Bible as literature is a healthy person without delusions. However, in modern psychology a person who believes Jesus did everything the Gospels say He did has delusions. That makes sense, too. Modern psychology doesn't believe in a Creator of Heaven and Earth(Genesis 1), therefore it is a logical direction from that belief.

Still, say the truth of this post somehow makes it into modern psychology and they realize they've given a significant number of autistics a schizophrenia diagnosis. Let's say they aim to fix it. How will they fix it? They'll say object obsession is a symptom of ASD, which they will then reason that Bible believers have an object obsession with the Bible and then they'll give their ASD diagnosis. However, from a Bible believer's standpoint, it is a relationship with Christ Jesus, for it is the friends of Jesus that Christ talks of to His Father, God in heaven. That is to say, the fix will be worse than the wrong diagnosis of schizophrenia to begin with.

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