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Blog list

I have always been a bicycle hobbyist i got my first kids bmx bike it was called a python when i was 6 or 7 years old. I enjoy and have fun and i like riding bikes. they have the foothills trail here in washington thats a 25 mile paved trail that i enjoy alot. I am going to post more pictures of...
For anyone out there who feels a burning anger that you are still fighting and NOT getting heard, this is my advice. You need to be clear in your own mind before you even begin to make them listen. Ignore the haters. I mean by that, the lay person and the professionals. You will be up against...
Hey everyone, I've been applying at different places and I'm bound to get a job soon, but my issue is this: How does one work faster? Let me elaborate, I've worked at pretty much every occupation: flagging traffic, working in warehouses, sanitation in factories, retail etc. so I'm no lazy...
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It's all the things I love and some of the stuff I hate too. I post infrequently but I post quality material.
I accidentally drank out of a coworkers cup at work (we work at a restaurant) and I asked him if he had aids. He got angry and ran to the manager to tell him what I said. I wasn't trying to be mean but it was something that I wanted to know. I don't understand why people have to be so sensitive...
An un-censored, anonymous look at the life of one of creation's misfits though the use of poetry, prose, autobiographical essays, and the occasional photograph.
I have autism and.most people don't believe me when I have a melt down I get funny looks but what they don't know is I hate it I hate having melt downs and afterwards I hate my self the only two people that can calm me down is my mom and.my soon to be.husband but he is still working on when I...
// a rather simple approch on freeing onself of shame, social anxiety and social phobia; on freeing onself of being shamed and having to compulsively part from enjoyed activities and items connected to shaming // // usually, perceiving the human as self we speak as 'I' being the self and as 'of...
Our family has had it's share of mistakes to figure out what works and what doesn't as far as helping Andrew to be happy, healthy, and productive for himself. We have been to specialists, therapists, and have read so many "tips" that it's mind numbing. There have been and still are days of...
Hello everyone. My name is Ethan and I am fifteen years old. At age two, I was diagnosed with high-functioning Autism. I have had many troubles in my life. But, I have also realized the special and unique gift I have. About a month ago, I started a blog called The Journey Through Autism. This...
Riding my favourite Welsh Cob,Morgan,cantering up a grassy track through the woods,with my favourite three dogs running ahead of us.Just for fun.When that memory comes into my head I recall one of a few,like a handful of my favourite 100% happy experiences. Would you share one of yours please...
The ramblings, musings, and occasional rants of a confused being pretending to be a human. Also science! And nerd stuff!
This blog will be more of a therapeutic session for me where regular face to face therapy is unable to help. I have a difficult time communicating how I feel or what it is I'm thinking about where it will make sense to another individual. I will be posting about my depression, possible...
As i ventured into the business world I noticed how my struggles will always need to be hidden. The energy required to accomplish that is quite difficult. I hope to blog about how I work on my perception while keeping symptoms at bay.
Katie must learn about the Yo Kai and Ash must stop Giovanni from ruling the world. These are things I want to happen in the TV Shows Yo Kai Watch and Pokemon.
I was told that I needed to find myself. I needed to write a list of what I want, who I am and want to be. I was told I needed to find my power. I was told that I needed to realize who I am. I was told the only person who holds my power is me, and that it is only an illusion that I had lost my...
We all have different personalities, backgrounds, baggage. I would like to know what traits are undeniably associated with Aspergers and what traits are classically 'everyones' battles? (if you get my meaning).
During my 1st grade year, I suspect my Mom was tempted to turn in her “Mom” badge. It started when I came down with the measles, passed it on to my toddler brother, who passed it on to our baby brother. Almost immediatley picking up where the measles left off, the chicken pox tweeted in. One...
This blog is about the Alliance of Droids, and the Droids in it. @Droidology My Twitter: Droidology (@Droidology_AoD) | Twitter My AoD Profile: http://allianceofdroids.org.au/members/Droidology
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