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  1. Mr Allen

    Any WWE wrestling fans in the House?

    Topic. I've been a fan most of my life, was always getting VHS tapes of events from the video shop, and watching the original World of Sport on a Saturday afternoon (that was proper wrestling though, not "Sports Entertainment"). There's the big annual Royal Rumble event coming in Phoenix...
  2. Mr Allen

    So this week I started Facebook chats with a famous British female wrestler

    She's in WWE under the name Paige, her real name's Saraya, she is rather attractive, decent looking with a curvy figure, and she's a good wrestler, comes from a wrestling family based down in Norfolk, England. Anyway, I showed her a selfie I took last year on my phone, and she said I'm a good...
  3. Mr Allen

    Any wrestling fans in the House?

    I'm currently watching old Shows on the WWE Network, as I've been a BIG wrestling fan for 30 years. I know "Sports Entertainment" wrestling is considered "fake" but I still enjoy the Shows, and contrary to popular opinion wrestling is not all sweaty men in tights hugging each other, and...
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