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  1. Joshua the Writer

    Pirated Books Powering Gen AI

    I was browsing my chrome mobile home page and I came across this article, which I find very concerning. This essentially means that big ai is copying from writers' work that is supposed to be published. I see the value in pirating books, don't get me wrong. Art and culture shouldn't be...
  2. J

    Hard Times; In search for guidence

    Hello everyone, I am in search for some guidence. I currently work for one individual with autism. Let me fill you in on the back ground story. This individual is an adult male. 6 foot, 180 lbs. He is completely in the minority with current problem behavior. I see aggression to staff, high...
  3. The Gentle and Brave Writer

    Feeling physically safe with a man

    I feel safe with my date of these days. What I mean by “safe” is the physical part of being safe, and I’m not referring to the lack of fear of being abused by him (that’s another horrible fear, but not the subject of this post. To clarify doubts, I feel safe with him in that aspect too). I mean...
  4. pjcnet

    Poor Safety on Public Buses

    On coaches in the UK there's strict safety rules about wearing safety belts, here is picture inside an average low cost entry level coach that meets the minimum requirement: Now on public buses in the UK there's not only no safety belts, but there's very hard metal bars to break your fall and...
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