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  1. From the Archives: My First Green Day Concert Experience

    From the Archives: My First Green Day Concert Experience

    [First posted on my Tumblr August 3, 2017.] I can’t believe it… I saw them… I saw Green Day… After 12 years of waiting… These are the only words that I’m thinking of right now. I’m so speechless, dazed. It feels like it didn’t even happen at all, that I was only dreaming. But this time it...
  2. From the Archives: A Wonderful Day With a Happy Ending

    From the Archives: A Wonderful Day With a Happy Ending

    [First posted on my Tumblr July 23, 2017.] Hey everybody, I’m back with a new post and it feels good to be writing again, or typing, I should say. On the 22nd of July (yesterday), me and my brother saw The Psychedelic Furs for the third time, at the Revolution Hall, the same place they went a...
  3. From the Archives: The Best Night of My Life

    From the Archives: The Best Night of My Life

    [First posted on my Tumblr July 28, 2016.] Two days ago me and my brother saw The Psychedelic Furs for the second time at the Revolution Hall in Portland, Oregon. It was absolutely amazing, brilliant, and honestly was much better than the first time, when I saw them at the Crystal Ballroom in...
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