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Eddie and Me on the Scrap Heap

Eddie and Me on the Scrap Heap 2014-02-09

Book Type
  1. Paperback
Marc Littman
A 9-year-old boy with autism who plays guitar like a 'ring in a bell' transforms the lives of a modern day witch, a junkyard pirate, a would-be reggae singer and others in Eddie and Me on the Scrap Heap. Eddie is a precocious child with genius traits in some areas, particularly music, but he's socially inept and struggles with behavioral and learning issues. Eddie blames himself for his parents' failed marriage and his Ice Queen mother's unhappiness. He's determined to make her proud and prove he has value so he won't end up being abandoned on the scrap heap of life. Eddie is aided in his quest by his Uncle Natie Newman, a 40-year-old would-be reggae singer, Captain Jake, an artist/junkyard pirate, and Sharon, a modern day witch with a tragic past that Eddie exorcises.
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