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workplace issues

  1. theeviloneisyou

    I'm tired of being treated like garbage.

    It's been like this my entire life. I was bullied for my weight and being on the spectrum, my mother physically and verbally abused me, my father was never there for me at all, and I've had friends and relatives criticize me and ghost me out of nowhere. While working in education, I was...
  2. EstimatedProphet

    Best Places To Work! An Autistic Adventure in Corporate America 2020-02-25

    I was semi-active on this site a long while ago for about six months (late 2016-early 2017), which was from the time I was diagnosed with Asperger's until I started my first job back in the working world post-diagnosis. Then I dropped out. What happened after that? That's what the book is about...
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