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ASD Info Wales

ASD Info Wales 2017-05-09

Cardiff, Wales
"Welcome to ASD Info Wales, the national site for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). Here you will find information about Autistic Spectrum Disorders (including Autism and Asperger Syndrome), service details, training opportunities and updates on the implementation of the ASD Strategic action Plan for Wales.

You will also find downloadable resources that can be shared with individuals with ASD, their family and carers.

This site is aimed at those working with children and adults with ASD.

It is estimated that ASD affects 1 in 100 people, together we can improve knowledge and awareness and make real changes to peoples lives."

They are currently rolling out their latest initiative, 'Can You See Me' beginning in Merthyr Tydfil. The aim is to make more businesses and whole areas more Autism friendly. You can email them to access one of the wristbands/cards/phone wallpaper that they have made as part of this scheme.
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