Well-Known Member
Just wondering how other people are towards insects. This summer I've had to remove many Mr. Big's (thick legged spiders about 2-2.5" diameter) which I don't mind (I'll even pick them up if I have to, though normally I have a compact hoover that sucks them up without killing them) but I just hate how inopportune big spiders appearances are and never knowing if one's going to drop down on you or crawl on you in your sleep. Oddly enough I haven't had any in my room this year and I keep the windows open at night. I hate dead spiders that have wrinkled up, that just looks creepy.
I don't mind moths as they normally settle down after they've fluttered around (even have a little fun poking them just for them to go crazy). My biggest insect hate are DADDY LONG-LEGS (crane flies) as they just hover around randomly and are quite big and really stupid. I hate it when they hang from your ceiling on one leg.
When it comes to wasps I just find something really big and flat to swat them towards an open window with and will happily run like crazy from them if they're buzzing around me in the open outside (as they'll sting for any old reason sometimes).
Oh and I HATE flying ants as I think they're just disgusting looking and there can sometimes be waaaay too many of those thing flying around on warm summer evenings.
The other things I really hate are knats/mosquitos, especially when you see huge clusters of them flying around in a swarm in open air, but I rarely get bitten by them otherwise, so I'm lucky.
Though I can tollerate them, in general I just wish all insetcs would permanantly DIE!!
But I guess some larger animals need them for food.
I don't mind moths as they normally settle down after they've fluttered around (even have a little fun poking them just for them to go crazy). My biggest insect hate are DADDY LONG-LEGS (crane flies) as they just hover around randomly and are quite big and really stupid. I hate it when they hang from your ceiling on one leg.
When it comes to wasps I just find something really big and flat to swat them towards an open window with and will happily run like crazy from them if they're buzzing around me in the open outside (as they'll sting for any old reason sometimes).
Oh and I HATE flying ants as I think they're just disgusting looking and there can sometimes be waaaay too many of those thing flying around on warm summer evenings.
The other things I really hate are knats/mosquitos, especially when you see huge clusters of them flying around in a swarm in open air, but I rarely get bitten by them otherwise, so I'm lucky.
Though I can tollerate them, in general I just wish all insetcs would permanantly DIE!!
But I guess some larger animals need them for food.