I was going to try and research this topic, but seeing as I had so much to do with that of late for my PIP I deserve to take a break and I want to get this post out sooner rather than later. I feel also a personal response may be more fitting. Perhaps others may add some research as well.
The subject of healing is closely connected to Christianity for many people. I think it can put some people of from deepening their faith as some people are not looking to be healed or feel they need it so may not even attend church etc. Unfortunately, for some Christians they will not see other believers who have health conditions or disabilities as not being saved until they are healed. Some people will be so persistent that they can even be chasing them for their healing for decades.
I think that this BBC article on disability, faith and healing is interesting.
Stop trying to 'heal' me
What I do like about Catholics is that they can be more accepting of disability and serving God within a disabled body. Let me quote from my book God’s Wildflowers “The Church does not despise the body, after all the Church recognises the goodness of creation and she professes belief in the resurrection of the body.
There are many servants of God written about in the above book who God has clearly blessed and given his grace to them to serve them through their conditions. Most did not get full healing in their life time. Some were amputees as well.
It is not known for certain what condition Paul had, but he begged God three times to remove his condition. Jesus said to him that his grace was sufficient for him and he served God through and despite his condition. Through his weaknesses God's grace would be shown.
Me, I have co conditions other than autism. At 17 I attended Church and God blessed me with enough grace to sustain me for life. I also had issues around eating at the same time, but still I served God as well. God knew me when he blessed me my autism pretty much. I went onto to give the most cleanest and pure of visions at the church I served at that time. Showers of blessings over a couples heads who were looking for childbirth. It doesn’t get more cleaner than that. I didn’t understand it, but the leader did interpret it and said God will bless them with a child. This is just one example. They were all so pure of heart despite my limitations with my eating disorder. I haven’t used it really post 17 in a Church. I don't want to unpack that further here. I have shared my story on this forum and it is probably on page 2 or 3 now if want to read more about that.
God knew of my issues. It doesn’t mean I could not make progress on them in life. However, the question I have is like how do you know when God has given you grace for a condition to stop beating yourself up over it if you do not become fully healed. Of course my autism I see as a blessing. The other co conditions, not so much but something I live with.
It is like so you can self torture yourself, but perhaps God has already given you grace for your condition and you don’t need to and just serve God through your condition. We all have different paths and some it could hurt telling them to stop praying for their healing. Some people though might do well to consider living with their grace or blessing.
I had a meeting on Monday that my rector initiated with my eating disorders team. Basically the decision was reached some time ago not to offer me more blood tests and further specialist support at this point in my life. I cannot like fight against the world. It came from the meeting that the would be working on quality of life as well from now on in the church and it was serenity for me like God had given me grace for my condition and we was all on the same page. Although, a bit after I felt a bit hopeless thinking this it etc. I will get commentaries by other people about me being healed for sure though. When you are born with a condition it can clearer cut that you have grace for it, but you develop one in life it can become more unclear. You can have grace for conditions that develop through life.
Take away points
God may have given you grace and blessed you in spite of your conditions which you can use to serve God. You though may not be aware of it though. May be try and think about that if this is something you wrestle with. It will not apply to everyone and they may still need a path of healing, but some this may speak to as well.
I can still continue to do this things that I love to do, which is serving God in anyway I can. I was very unwell for a couple of years and was wondering what was going on the day before. I said to myself though the next day that God came to defend me like Deborah of old and was right there with me in the midst of it all and broke into tears after unsettled nights and felt so much restored after. The unchangeable God who I have worshipped in my life and won't stop.
The subject of healing is closely connected to Christianity for many people. I think it can put some people of from deepening their faith as some people are not looking to be healed or feel they need it so may not even attend church etc. Unfortunately, for some Christians they will not see other believers who have health conditions or disabilities as not being saved until they are healed. Some people will be so persistent that they can even be chasing them for their healing for decades.
I think that this BBC article on disability, faith and healing is interesting.
Stop trying to 'heal' me
What I do like about Catholics is that they can be more accepting of disability and serving God within a disabled body. Let me quote from my book God’s Wildflowers “The Church does not despise the body, after all the Church recognises the goodness of creation and she professes belief in the resurrection of the body.
There are many servants of God written about in the above book who God has clearly blessed and given his grace to them to serve them through their conditions. Most did not get full healing in their life time. Some were amputees as well.
It is not known for certain what condition Paul had, but he begged God three times to remove his condition. Jesus said to him that his grace was sufficient for him and he served God through and despite his condition. Through his weaknesses God's grace would be shown.
Me, I have co conditions other than autism. At 17 I attended Church and God blessed me with enough grace to sustain me for life. I also had issues around eating at the same time, but still I served God as well. God knew me when he blessed me my autism pretty much. I went onto to give the most cleanest and pure of visions at the church I served at that time. Showers of blessings over a couples heads who were looking for childbirth. It doesn’t get more cleaner than that. I didn’t understand it, but the leader did interpret it and said God will bless them with a child. This is just one example. They were all so pure of heart despite my limitations with my eating disorder. I haven’t used it really post 17 in a Church. I don't want to unpack that further here. I have shared my story on this forum and it is probably on page 2 or 3 now if want to read more about that.
God knew of my issues. It doesn’t mean I could not make progress on them in life. However, the question I have is like how do you know when God has given you grace for a condition to stop beating yourself up over it if you do not become fully healed. Of course my autism I see as a blessing. The other co conditions, not so much but something I live with.
It is like so you can self torture yourself, but perhaps God has already given you grace for your condition and you don’t need to and just serve God through your condition. We all have different paths and some it could hurt telling them to stop praying for their healing. Some people though might do well to consider living with their grace or blessing.
I had a meeting on Monday that my rector initiated with my eating disorders team. Basically the decision was reached some time ago not to offer me more blood tests and further specialist support at this point in my life. I cannot like fight against the world. It came from the meeting that the would be working on quality of life as well from now on in the church and it was serenity for me like God had given me grace for my condition and we was all on the same page. Although, a bit after I felt a bit hopeless thinking this it etc. I will get commentaries by other people about me being healed for sure though. When you are born with a condition it can clearer cut that you have grace for it, but you develop one in life it can become more unclear. You can have grace for conditions that develop through life.
Take away points
God may have given you grace and blessed you in spite of your conditions which you can use to serve God. You though may not be aware of it though. May be try and think about that if this is something you wrestle with. It will not apply to everyone and they may still need a path of healing, but some this may speak to as well.
I can still continue to do this things that I love to do, which is serving God in anyway I can. I was very unwell for a couple of years and was wondering what was going on the day before. I said to myself though the next day that God came to defend me like Deborah of old and was right there with me in the midst of it all and broke into tears after unsettled nights and felt so much restored after. The unchangeable God who I have worshipped in my life and won't stop.
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