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Weather History


This is one of my "other" obsessions. I like studying past weather events, like snowstorms and past winters. Living in New England has rekindled this obsession. I remember the winter of '95/'96 and the blizzard of '96. I was living on Nantucket at the time with my mother. I remember the weekend leading up to the blizzard:

Friday, January 5th: Strong cold front passed over the island. The wind shook our apartment building. We went out to a friends house that evening. We had ham with scalloped potatoes. The moon was full that night. Edwyn Collins' "A Girl Like You" played on the radio on the way home.

Saturday, January 6th: Bitterly cold. We met up with the same friend downtown. That night the moon was becoming milky as we were at my mom's friend Mary Ellen's house. We had pot roast. Her two labs were howling at the moon. On the way home, we had WPXC 102.9 FM on the radio. The Jockey was saying that Cape Cod and the Islands were under a Winter Storm Warning. My mom determined that we had to go to the store on Sunday.

Sunday, January 7th: Cloudy. We went to the store. I had a meltdown in aisle 7 because I didn't want to be there and that there were too many people. We got home about 1 PM. By 2 it was snowing. It came down lazily at first, but then by dark it was cranking.
Our blizzard was in 1993. The 90s were pretty snowy when they set their mind to it, weren't they? I was too little to remember it. This past winter or one before it supposedly had weather patterns matching up perfectly to those in 1993 for us to have had another blizzard, but we just got a few days worth of snow in the end.
Our blizzard was in 1993. The 90s were pretty snowy when they set their mind to it, weren't they? I was too little to remember it. This past winter or one before it supposedly had weather patterns matching up perfectly to those in 1993 for us to have had another blizzard, but we just got a few days worth of snow in the end.

Nantucket officially got 2 inches from the "Superstorm" of 1993. I say that because the airport is on a broad open plain. My dad and I measured 7 inches at our apartment on Old South Road.
In the early 80s, I lived in eastern South Dakota and we had blizzards every year. Before hand we would get "watch's" and "warnings" from the weather service along with warnings to stay inside. During a blizzard there was a lot of wind, snow and it was very cold. After a blizzard the weather service would tell us how much snow we got. When I went outside, there was just a little snow in some places and six or eight feet in other places because of the drifting. I never could figure out where they got their snow depth number. Here in southeast Idaho we do not have blizzards or even very much snow. We usually have mild winter weather for being this far north. Just because I said that, we will probably have a killer winter this year.

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