Being "classified" once was enough. Take your pick:
1-A - Available for military service.
1-AM - Medical specialist available for military service.
1-A-O -
Conscientious Objector - Conscientiously opposed to training and military service requiring the use of arms - fulfills his service obligation in a noncombatant position within the military. Those classified 1-A-O are conscientious objectors available for noncombatant military service.
1-A-OM - Medical specialist conscientious objector available for noncombatant military service.
1-C - Member of the Armed Forces of the United States, the Coast and Geodetic Survey, or the Public Health Service. (Enl) - enlisted; (Ind) - inducted; (Dis) - discharged
1-D - Member of a Reserve component or student taking military training.
1-H - Registrant not currently subject to processing for induction or alternative service.
Note: Within the cessation of registrant processing in 1976, all registrants (except for a few alleged violators of the Military Selective Service Act) were classified 1-H regardless of any previous classification.
1-O -
Conscientious objector available for civilian work contributing to the national health, safety or interest.
1-OM - Medical specialist conscientious objector available for civilian work contributing to the national health, safety or interest.
1-S - Student deferred by statue - (H) high school; (C) college.
1-W -
Conscientious objector performing civilian work in the national health, safety or interest. (Rel) - Released.
1-Y - Registrant qualified for service only in time of war or national emergency.
Note: The 1-Y classification was abolished December 10, 1971. Local boards were subsequently instructed to reclassify all 1-Y registrants by administrative action.
2-A - Registrant deferred because of civilian occupation (except agriculture).
2-AM - Medical specialist deferred because of critical community need involving patient care.
2-C - Registrant deferred because of agricultural occupation.
2-D - Ministerial Students - Deferred from military service.
2-M - Registrant deferred for medical study.
2-S - Registrant deferred because of activity in study.
3-A - Hardship Deferment - Deferred from military service because service would cause hardship upon his family.
4-A - Registrant who has completed service; or sole surviving son.
4-B - Official deferred by law.
4-C - Alien or Dual National - Sometimes exempt from military service.
4-D - Ministers of Religion - Exempted from military service.
4-E -
Conscientious objector opposed to both combatant and noncombatant training and service.
4-F - Registrant not qualified for military service.
4-FM - Medical specialist not qualified for military service.
4-G - Sole surviving son.
4-W -
Conscientious objector who has completed civilian alternate service.
5-A - Registrant over the age of liability for military service.