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No one give me the crap that flying is expensive.

Tony Ramirez

V.I.P Member
I want to travel and fly somewhere on a plane anywhere to a safe destination, but I always have to hear the same crap from people's mouth that it's too expensive yet every day yes every day I have to hear from them that they literally travel to Dallas, San Francisco or to Paris, London or as for as freaking Korea and Japan, yet I am stuck in NYC for 47 years hearing how great it is living in the greatest city which I am sick of because I practical never leave it except to go to the car ride from hell to eastern PA to craptown Mount Pocono or Greentown and not even to the actual cities but to the rathole towns outside where you have to drive 10 minutes to get a cup of coffee of Scranton, Allentown and Pittsburgh.

Even here I have to hear about someone damn travel adventure and then hear how it's expensive to fly yet they just did it multiple times. This is why I had meltdowns, got kicked out of life groups and lost friends who kept traveling to far places all the time by plane and kept rubbing it in. I was glad they dumped my ass. Now the new friends are doing the same crap, ticking me off everywhere I am making them.
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Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender
I think the best way to leave a city is on a bicycle. You see the change a lot better, and enjoy small details. Did you know that there are driftwood shacks on Staten Island, just like on remote beaches? However far you can ride a bike today, you can ride it 10% farther each week quite painlessly until you have a useful range.
One day, a guy on vacation stopped at a gas station in rural Arizona, where he really liked the scenery. He asked the attendant if there were houses for sale - there were - and what the people were like around there. The attendant asked what the people were like where he came from. The traveler replied that they were mostly lazy liars and fools. The attendant nodded, and remarked that people were pretty much the same everywhere, and the guy drove on.
Then the same scene happened again with a new guy, but he replied that his neighbours were friendly, generous people. The attendant nodded, and remarked that people were pretty much the same everywhere, and the guy was shown some listings, having the attitude that would fit in.
Tony, do you have any way of saving money? Do you spend 100% of your SSI every month?

Yes, air travel is expensive, but it is reasonable to believe that you could slowly save enough money and then find a good deal. Probably not somewhere in Europe or Asia, but you could fly somewhere in the States.
What's that phrase? The grass is always greener on the other side?

Flying by plane isnt like some magical experience that's going to blow your mind with incredible wonder or something. It's being stuck in a big stupid sardine can with a bunch of idiots for a couple of hours after going through the nightmare that is the airport. Depending on WHICH airport, it can be worse, or it can be much worse.

If you hear people talking about it to you and bragging about what an "amazing" experience it is or whatever nonsense, understand, just because they're glamorizing the experience doesnt mean it IS glamorous. Same for every other aspect of whatever trip they went on. Just because they say "oh this was great" doesnt mean it actually was.

That being said, I fully understand the desire to get the heck away from wherever "home" is for awhile. But a plane is far from the only way to do that.
Tony. Wherever you go, there you are. You need to develop yourself to appreciate where you are in order to get the best out of travel. If you think you do not fit in where you live, travel is not going to change that.
Travelling outside your local area, is for the majority a pretty new phenomenon. There still are, especially outside the larger cities, many places where people have hardly ever left their town or city in their life, or only through necessity (medical treatments, employment, whatever). It used to be the few that travelled, did so for practical purposes in the main.

Also, bear in mind that flying on a plane is not the be all and end all of travel. Sometimes, it can be the journey that's as important as the destination, and there are better ways to see the world than flying. Just watching the changing countryside from a train or bus can be an experience in itself. Not to mention the fact that for many people the whole experience of flying can be most unpleasant in reality.

But finally, maybe it's not the idea of flying that's really the issue? Could it be more to do with comparing yourself with others in the belief they have better lives and the expectation yours would be better if you were like them? A tempting view, but not usually a realistic or helpful one.

Lot's of very ordinary people will hide the misery their lives may hold, and give the appearance that what is in their lives (or what they say is in them) gives them a wholesome, happy and healthy lifestyle. That's illusion in many cases. They too will look at others enviously, but will hide that by artificially boosting their own life to make it seem they too have perfect lives.
Honestly nothing is stopping you from saving and eventually doing some travel. If you don't have a passport I'd apply for one now, unless you just want to travel in the USA. And while the big tourist destinations are expensive there are always lots of little flights to smaller destinations that can be pretty reasonable.

Where would you like to visit if you could pick up and visit anywhere? What's your dream destination Tony?
Tony. Wherever you go, there you are. You need to develop yourself to appreciate where you are in order to get the best out of travel. If you think you do not fit in where you live, travel is not going to change that.
I second this thought, third it, fourth it, and fifth it too.
I want to travel and fly somewhere on a plane anywhere to a safe destination, but I always have to hear the same crap from people's mouth that it's too expensive yet every day yes every day I have to hear from them that they literally travel to Dallas, San Francisco or to Paris, London or as for as freaking Korea and Japan, yet I am stuck in NYC for 47 years hearing how great it is living in the greatest city which I am sick of because I practical never leave it except to go to the car ride from hell to eastern PA to craptown Mount Poconno or Greentown and not even to the actual cities but to the rathole towns outside of Scranton and Allentown.

Even here I have to hear about someone damn travel adventure and then hear how it's expensive to fly yet they just did it multiple times. This is why I had meltdowns, got kicked out of life groups and lost friends who kept traveling to far places all the time by plane and kept rubbing it in. I was glad they dumped my ass. Now the new friends are doing the same crap, pissing me off everywhere I am making them.
This really is not logical, Tony.

Have you never bought something even though you wished it cost less?

Why bother getting angry that other people are flying and say it's expensive?

This looks like another instance of you envying what other people do.
Probably those people had to save some money for their trips.

You could try finding out how much a ticket costs to some place you'd like to visit,
then plan out how much you'd have to set aside, and for how long, until you'd
have enough to pay for your trip.
Irrational jealousy of people who fly in planes, go on vacations or work trips, are in a relationship with someone else, are married couples, converse with single women, and all the other things that enrage you - can and should be addressed in therapy.

What are you waiting for? Make an appointment with a therapist. Your Medicaid will pay for it. It will help you.
Irrational jealousy of people who fly in planes, go on vacations or work trips, are in a relationship with someone else, are married couples, converse with single women, and all the other things that enrage you - can and should be addressed in therapy.

What are you waiting for? Make an appointment with a therapist. Your Medicaid will pay for it. It will help you.
It all comes back to resentment. Until a person learns to deal with and move beyond resentment there's always going to be the irrational jealousy and general negativity.
So let's say you get money to fly to another country. And? What next? There will be couples and platonic friends everywhere. You can't even go to your neighborhood Cafe or park without feeling envious or angry.
You need to focus firstly on your mental health, then on everything else.
So let's say you get money to fly to another country. And? What next? There will be couples and platonic friends everywhere. You can't even go to your neighborhood Cafe or park without feeling envious or angry.
You need to focus firstly on your mental health, then on everything else.
Even at the airport. On the plane might even sit next to one have no choice. Your right. 👍
Have you ever looked up the price for flights...?
Yes and people still boast about doing it all the time and no they are not rich. It boggles my mind.

And don't bring up any job you know why I can't get a job that is still an obvious dead end leading no where which is why I bothered to apply for Medicaid because that 20% copay was killing my pathetic $543 month SSD.
Yes and people still boast about doing it all the time and no they are not rich. It boggles my mind

They're probably not boasting. They are sharing a travel experience they enjoyed by talking to other people about it. You think it is boasting because you're so jealous and resentful of other people that you can't see straight. Your reactions to normal, everyday parts of life are irrational.

Please get therapy. It will help you.
Yes and people still boast about doing it all the time and no they are not rich. It boggles my mind.
Not particularly mind-boggling if you consider how many Americans live on credit alone. And don't mind remaining in perpetual debt. One of my family lived like that for many years.

It's why in this society you cannot judge people on how they appear to spend- or save money. Where few if any ever allude to their actual net worth.

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