Just Another Member
Guess who? *Woody Woodpecker laugh* Had a quick question for the AC community: Are any of you nicotine users? (Cigarettes, dip, e-cig, etc.) I remember the first cig I had, I was 13, and I couldn't even finish it. It wasn't until junior year of high school that I started smoking seriously in order to fit in. I became addicted roughly at around 15-16 after smoking for a year/2 years. When I was about 18, I came across chewing tobacco reviewing videos on YouTube, and it wasn't long until I started dipping. Luckilly, I was able to kick the dip by the time I was 20, in fear of losing my teeth. Today, I smoke cigs occasionally, but I'm an avid user of my Snow Wolf 200W vaporizer with my Troll V2 RDA (as seen below) Anyone on AC with a similar story?