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Narrow Gauge Model Railways In 7mm Scale.

Captain Caveman

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V.I.P Member
Is a world where I can be in control. (Is nothing to do with religion directly as I could not find the right section to put this in so I ad to pick one alternative as none of the headings are suitable).

I love making these things. Coming up with ideas for the next build... Adding my character into what I make...

In a way creating ones little world reminds me of God creating what we live in...


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If we are made in his image it kind of makes sense that we would imitate him, like a child does the parent. Yours is a benign hobby as well. If it was me I would be setting up huge crashes and catastrophes like in the Adams Family. :)
Nice fulfiling project you have going.
Creator God is just too good. I admit though the dust question still has me wondering a bit though seeing as I am allergic to it as well and have got a strong phobia to it and it is one of the bains of my life. Still amazed by we are made from dust. Surely not the same dust though as what I am allergic to. I think the Bible also says the enemies will get the dust... One question I will ask of God, God dust why lol.
Is the locomotive powered? You're doing amazing with scratch built models.

Yes it is powered. I have not finished it yet as I will need to make some buffers and couplings, but I have prepared the bufferbeams ready. The best way to describe the loco is a RTR bash. (Siilar to kitbashing where one begins with a kit and alters it into something else, I have done the same with this loco, but it has been very much altered from a factory made model. (RTR means "Ready To Run", which basically is a completed loco that comes ou the shops).
The loco used to be a 00 gauge loco (Similar to H0), but has been converted into a 7mm scale narrow gauge loco by removing and rebuilding the chimney and cab, along with altering the bufferbeams to match.
The cab has controls and a pressure gauge (Made from an old watch battery) and has clear plastic glazing. The cab was made from plasticard. The chimney is a small re-purposed fountain pen cartridge. The name and numberplates have been home made.

The waggons are all scratchbuilt in various stages of completion using tin with real rust, wood etc... One waggon made from offcuts of railway rails (The small tipping waggon). It is all good fun!
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I happened to come across when googling in hope that good people generally in the end hoping avoid a place of damination and I don't to comment on that.
My knowledge of the Book of Revations is not the greatest and sometimes I don't I have read or heard something and how I know it. I need to learn more and actually it was written by the apostles as well.

But I read there will be a new earth for believers. Sometimes I don't don't too know too much about because I trust and like the surpise element sometimes.

But I read a New Earth will be addiction free for people and I wondered will myself there be waterfalls there as I love seeing them. Also, I wondered about the trains will be there fast ones or what for certain if so. That is not the most desirable for me....

I would like to be close to my father to magnify and more as well.

Nobody knows where we end up and only hope....but would love everyone to get there.
What does one pray for in the Lords Prayer?

"On Earth as it is in Heaven".
I like the simplicity of the Lord's Prayer. When do not know what to ask for in our best interests it helps us and opens it for God to serve in our best interests as well.

Your tread was about trains. I know you are not like so much like going on train rides like steam trains but modelling trains. I hope though you have had some good days out in 2024.

You didn't actually say what you meant in the quote but I can assume I think as well.
What I mean.... Which bit?

Is overcrowded trains that I don't like. The uncertainty of if the train will be busy or not. Is the uncertainty of where to buy a ticket or if I can pay by cash and if I can afford it.

I spent a few years working on trains. I love them in model form.

Had some lovely days out driving in Wales.
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In a way creating ones little world reminds me of God creating what we live in...

I love this. I like to call creative endeavors like this "experiments in recursion", because (imo) everyone has the ability to awaken the architect within (not to sound too much like a certain Lego movie!).

Honestly, I'm surprised that thoughtful creativity is not its own religion -- but I guess it's hard to have an enemy when you're at peace with yourself. Regardless, you're putting good energy into the world and that matters. Keep doing it!
They look quite good. Two more little triumphs. Considering the high price of HO or N scale model railroad equipment it seems like narrowgauge modeling is a pretty good side of the hobby to get into. You have a knack for making absolutely charming models.
While those two above having been made using bodies from Smallbrook Studio kits using budget friendly Hornby 0-4-0's as donor locos, or as in the case of the green loco, a mix between a Triang metal chassis using parts from a more modern Hornby 0-4-0 donor loco, the next photo shows an unconverted budget Hornby 0-4-0 loco I often use as donor locos, and behind that in the middle is a direct conversion from one of those locos which has a scratch built cab made from plasticard, and a watch battery as a pressure gauge in the cab, and a chimney from a used fountain pen cartridge, so is more of a genuine budget build.
I make nameplates myself from aluminium fizzy drinks cans, and I make my own buffers and couplings from thumb tacks (We call them drawing pins) and stiff wire found on paper clips.


The third loco at the back is the one seen before. This green loco has the home made buffers and couplings.

Both the same scale and gauge. The big "Mainline" version is sitting too high at the front on its chassis as it was bought as an unfinished project loco which will likely end up with an extra pair of rear wheels. The one on the right is a smaller version used for lighter lines. The large loco on the left is not really built to go round the sharp curves, though I will see what I can do.
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Both the same scale and gauge. The big "Mainline" version is sitting too high at the front on its chassis as it was bought as an unfinished project loco which will likely end up with an extra pair of rear wheels. The one on the right is a smaller version used for lighter lines. The large loco on the left is not really built to go round the sharp curves, though I will see what I can do.
I like that set, the colours look so cool and traditional colours. That would be the first one I would buy.
I know you know that really we don't know for sure what will be up there apart from the obvious, we are just hoping about what we like to see. For me as I said it would be nice to see the waterfalls and potentially a rainbow factor in my father's house with the many many rooms...I would say there is certainly work going in them....say no more.

Fast train slow train what technology then. Humans have the capability to levitate so may be the trains we could get their own on our own. Whose knows all hoping and keep up the projects and thinking and hoping.
I like that set, the colours look so cool and traditional colours. That would be the first one I would buy.
I know you know that really we don't know for sure what will be up there apart from the obvious, we are just hoping about what we like to see. For me as I said it would be nice to see the waterfalls and potentially a rainbow factor in my father's house with the many many rooms...I would say there is certainly work going in them....say no more.

Fast train slow train what technology then. Humans have the capability to levitate so may be the trains we could get their own on our own. Whose knows all hoping and keep up the projects and thinking and hoping.

I have seen bits of it.
I have seen bits of it.
Claps. I did write I have had an experience as well and I don't know if you ever saw it but I deleted it as I felt too vulnerable but probably moderators can still see it. May be a private conversation for another time where we can share. I to have had an experience in 2014. Something to talk over perhaps. The different its a nod for me. Jigsaw puzzle.

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