My LGBT issues growing up were serious. I remember at age 5 seeing a therapist and one thing mentioned was I would have LGBT issues. My parents took it differently, Mom accepted it and let me figure this out. My bio dad said yeah right and it was a phase thinking it was a huge joke. My mom and his family were not too happy with my dad at all. His family was even on my side and encouraged me as well. I knew was living a good life as a boy and finally at age 12 discovering I loved girl's clothing wanting to wear it at times. Mom and I were at a yard sale and she saw I had my eye on a dress I loved. Mom took it well and did buy it for me. Got home, I wanted to try it on and did loving it. That is when my female side,Hailey came right out and mom discovered I am a part time crossdresser. She did go back to that yard sale and bought the rest of the girl's clothes in that size for me. Mom even became supportive after that. To this day, I have support from my mom and her family, younger sister, dad's family, my good friends, ex GF and daughter including my GF Tyler and her family. I did have my step dad for support, He passed away 10 years ago and it was tough losing him