ETA: Oh yeah, a big trigger for me is polarised light sources. So reflections of the sun are a huge trigger, especially from water or glass which tend to polarise more on reflection. If I get a glancing reflection of the sun off a watch or phone, that's it, I have an immediate hole in my vision and the rest follows. This can also happen with things like phone camera flashes, as the LED light is super bright and gets bounced off a mirror at the back.
I'm not sure if this is an issue for me in terms of migraines, but I have photophobia and I perceive these bright flashes as painful or nauseating. I wear polarisation sunglasses outside when it's sunny, especially when driving, but it doesn't always work, especially in shopping malls they like to hang those screens with ads that flash and sunglasses won't help any with that. Do you deal with the flashing lights somehow or not quite?
My vision will get this slightly different feel to it, like things are slightly over-exposing.
I have this as visual aura since high school. It's like vision is overexposed and oversaturated. Perhaps that's ovwrsensitivity? Everything starts to feel sharp. I have also light flashes and the zigzags... And ear ringing. It pops loudly and slowly vanishes just like the light flashes or it will persistently ring with varying freuencies over time. I recently started to get feelings or numbness as well, or they were there but not as intense and in different areas that I didn't pay much attention.
According to him, caffeine is the worst trigger for migraines,
I can't see the difference not drinking caffeine. If anything, I get worse headaches without any caffeine consumption and a lot of them are related to stress for me. Like recently I'm nearing graduation and I need that adrenaline to be sharp and nail everything. Right mechanism in the right place and at the right time. Cost - migraine later. Caffeine in moderation seems to stabilise my blood pressure or something that has a similar effect. I'm a choleric and I don't need stimulants to reach a very motivated and alert state, lol, it's not caffeine, it's my emotions and at times it's also an appropriate response.
But the cheese is a major trigger, so is salami, possibly all packaged meats and nuts. Also grapefruit. In lists of popular migrqine triggers there are also artificial sweeteners, MSG, spicy foods and alcohol, none of which I consume.
I never really ate a lot of pasta, (glutton) here and there, now I just can't eat it at all, no pasta or noodles, even Duran wheat makes me ill, my ex cooked it a lot. And not white rice, not basmati, not jasmine, either.
I went gluten free and it has improved my health a lot, but not the migraines tbh. I'm not looking back to feeling like I have a cold all the time and being blaoted from unflammation. And to the aches and pains and acne.
I was given magnisium in larger doses with vitamin D for muscle cramps and it has helped with the cramps, but not the headaches.
It seems like I've used up all the possibilities already. Apart from massage which I'm too lazy to do.