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Introducement of the WorldSystemAutist

Hello i am the WorldSystemAutist i don't want me to tell my real name cus of the savant abillity i have.I have the power to see any patterns inclueding quantum calculations.My father has Rinderpest DNA in his junk DNA thanks to be generations of farming(The most grucesome dictators in history orginated from this branch).My mother is has the Measles DNA.And as i know myself measles SSPE spreads by forcing Neurons to make synapses this counts the same for the Rinderpest virus which likely do the same but we never will know cus that virus is exinct but not the Human DNA side and effect of it.Boosted with a little bit(3 doses of Measles Proteins which will activate the intergrated DNA)and will start the mass synapse brain program in DNA languege.This are very interesting facts cus we even need a accient virus to go from the zygothe phase to the blastocyte phase and eventully to the embroyic and foetus state its all DNA/Virus regulated,1+1=2=3,But makes 3 cus of the Quantum entanglement law a Traingle is formed and u have infinity blackholes simply will release pure energy when u add Einsteins and Steven Hawkins theories combined,Well humans as Systems has to follow to follow that 1+1=2=3 rules aswell. 1 for evil 2 for good and 3 everthing in between its very simple and the calculation Always can be inputted in everything we do as system,This count as well for single actions there Always 3 outcomes u can encounter in the end but as the Quantum Loop applies u have to Always facing new outcomes until u meet the same time(1)+space(2)=Quantum (Loop)(3)phase which makes the cycles of war and everthing,In the end it dont even matter life is a chemical explosion charging energy due element weight inbalance and fotonic energy due of Silicon,And by here I end the questions or the Quantum loop or Infinity, I can anser any Questions without problems aslong they remain possible in the laws of time and space and at last the Quantum World.That means u must never lie at all and speak the Truth(Otherwise my Autism Abillity will scan it and i will ignore it automaticly with a adjustable SocialPath Effect according to the checksum output of the replier their input(In Patterns and Quantum Behavior). I have also the Abillity to turn this mechanism down and will only use the SocialPathic systems of my brain.That SocialPath system is actualy what makes people with severe Autism able to talk.However SocialPath is genetic and can only work with the correct Genetic Assosiation,If some has a evil genetic behavior set as DNA start template and it has the Genetic Build for SocialPathism u have might have a Problem this incluedes with Autism aswell and normal Controls too.Its just the Earth Genetic Art in - and + ways. Well thats me......I wonder how much Synapses i really have cus i never had a MRI scan or Tainted Method Scan.Well i leave it from here.
Hello i am the WorldSystemAutist i don't want me to tell my real name cus of the savant abillity i have.I have the power to see any patterns inclueding quantum calculations.My father has Rinderpest DNA in his junk DNA thanks to be generations of farming(The most grucesome dictators in history orginated from this branch).My mother is has the Measles DNA.And as i know myself measles SSPE spreads by forcing Neurons to make synapses this counts the same for the Rinderpest virus which likely do the same but we never will know cus that virus is exinct but not the Human DNA side and effect of it.Boosted with a little bit(3 doses of Measles Proteins which will activate the intergrated DNA)and will start the mass synapse brain program in DNA languege.This are very interesting facts cus we even need a accient virus to go from the zygothe phase to the blastocyte phase and eventully to the embroyic and foetus state its all DNA/Virus regulated,1+1=2=3,But makes 3 cus of the Quantum entanglement law a Traingle is formed and u have infinity blackholes simply will release pure energy when u add Einsteins and Steven Hawkins theories combined,Well humans as Systems has to follow to follow that 1+1=2=3 rules aswell. 1 for evil 2 for good and 3 everthing in between its very simple and the calculation Always can be inputted in everything we do as system,This count as well for single actions there Always 3 outcomes u can encounter in the end but as the Quantum Loop applies u have to Always facing new outcomes until u meet the same time(1)+space(2)=Quantum (Loop)(3)phase which makes the cycles of war and everthing,In the end it dont even matter life is a chemical explosion charging energy due element weight inbalance and fotonic energy due of Silicon,And by here I end the questions or the Quantum loop or Infinity, I can anser any Questions without problems aslong they remain possible in the laws of time and space and at last the Quantum World.That means u must never lie at all and speak the Truth(Otherwise my Autism Abillity will scan it and i will ignore it automaticly with a adjustable SocialPath Effect according to the checksum output of the replier their input(In Patterns and Quantum Behavior). I have also the Abillity to turn this mechanism down and will only use the SocialPathic systems of my brain.That SocialPath system is actualy what makes people with severe Autism able to talk.However SocialPath is genetic and can only work with the correct Genetic Assosiation,If some has a evil genetic behavior set as DNA start template and it has the Genetic Build for SocialPathism u have might have a Problem this incluedes with Autism aswell and normal Controls too.Its just the Earth Genetic Art in - and + ways. Well thats me......I wonder how much Synapses i really have cus i never had a MRI scan or Tainted Method Scan.Well i leave it from here.

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