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i dont fit in any community do you feel the same?


i dont feel like i belong anywhere and i cannot make deep connections with people . after my parents pass away i might be all alone with no friends or partner for the rest of my life. is this a autism trait? i had one autistic friend but i lost his number , i have no one but God

not complaining but rather acceptance has set me free
I relate a lot. Don't seem to be able to make friendships. Is supposed to be the main autistic issue, socializing and relationships.
It’s a very common feeling expressed frequently here on the forum. Strangely, you are not at all alone in your feelings of aloneness.

I completely agree that acceptance is the key and in the freedom that brings, sometimes we can find other things about life that are wonderful, satisfying, and fulfilling beyond just “fitting in.”
It's okay to be alone. 'Fitting in' is a socail trap anyway.

Having people you know around to talk to, is nice. But friends are something that come from experience and knowing a person on a emotional level. There is a mutual understanding.

But sadly. This current generation isn't about that kinda civility. At least not to the same level that it use to be. Though the corruption of minds via socail media, has alot of a role on that.
I got the Aspie from my mom, so it came with a major attachment disorder too. I've felt like various groups were my true family over the years, but now, I see that each one has major problems in its founding assumptions which must not be mentioned. I notice being alone more in December.
Retired, a lot of my friends passed in the last few years, get along great with family, Christmas at my sons place,
Birthday retirement party at my sisters place for my youngest brother two days later.
I'm okay being alone and I've been alone for holidays more times than I can remember. One nice thing about being a Quaker is that we believe that every single day is holy and a gift from God and it makes no sense that one particular day is more special than another. So there is no big hoopla like there is in other Christian religions.

Sometimes I wished I fit in with one group or another. Even when I feel well accepted, I realize I am on the outside, barely touching. Still, I have this forum, Quakers and my other special interest forum and I'm slowly making local neighbors some friends and feeling a bit more a part of my local community.
i dont feel like i belong anywhere and i cannot make deep connections with people . after my parents pass away i might be all alone with no friends or partner for the rest of my life. is this a autism trait? i had one autistic friend but i lost his number , i have no one but God

not complaining but rather acceptance has set me free

I feel the same.
i dont feel like i belong anywhere and i cannot make deep connections with people . after my parents pass away i might be all alone with no friends or partner for the rest of my life. is this a autism trait? i had one autistic friend but i lost his number , i have no one but God

not complaining but rather acceptance has set me free
I have never in my life fit in with a community or felt a sense of belonging. Except right here in this forum. In terms of interacting with people socially, my life has always been one of loneliness.
It's the whole wrong planet syndrome and people here post about it all the time, so i guess this forum really is a community, but i have rarely been a part of a group that didn't wind imploding over sometimes the smallest things. It used to surprise me when people acted like jerks, but now I kind of expect it and watch it from a distance. The closest I've gotten is being around other autistic people.
I am about to give up again 5 1/2 years trying to get along and be like normal people. All it has bought me is much more hatred, mystery, mental and physical pain.

There are no level 1 autistic anywhere except online. IRL they are all level 3 like my sister or fakers that are really neurotypicals most likely introverts, ADHD fakers.
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Is really sad that myself and others only 'friends' are their parents, even when trying and wishing to have them, the harsh reality is that few people really care also.

And the bad part is not not having friends, really few people have true friends, but the interaction is the problem, even with people that are not your friends, normal people can talk etc with others etc socializing.

My mom used to say to me, why you retract? just go and talk to people to make friends.... lol
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I've never seen so many people scared of being unique!

I think the coolest part about being here is interacting with extremely unique people -- and I don't mean people who chose to be unique (or tried very hard to be unique), but those who have uniqueness baked into their very being.

(Obviously I'm aware of the struggles involved, but sometimes it's nice to see the upsides!)
Is really sad that myself and others only 'friends' are their parents, even when trying and wishing to have them, the harsh reality is that few people really care also.
That's been my life story.
I've had a few friends and relationships, but none really felt that close, and I never felt truly comfortable with them.
My parents were the only ones I felt comfortable with and cared for by.
Now they are gone. I live with a house share partner, but certainly don't fit in.
Yes i am also like this. The feeling of being alone with no one to support me after my parents die scare me
Yes i am also like this. The feeling of being alone with no one to support me after my parents die scare me
Same but with no higher education or work experience I have no change of employment or financial assistance. SSDI is poverty wage. My parents say trust fund but they make little amount in retirement my uncle is sick and will make nothing when he passes.

Can't rely on my deadbeat fake friends aka acquaintances no matter how many new ones I keep making, who "never" had my back in the past and abandon my ass like they always did when I really needed them in the past.
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Same but with no higher education or work experience I have no change of employment or financial assistance. SSDI is poverty wage. My parents say trust fund but they make little amount in retirement my uncle is sick and will make nothing when he passes.

Can't rely on my deadbeat fake friends aka acquaintances no matter how many new ones I keep making, who "never" had my back in the past and abandon my ass like they always did when I really needed them in the past.
at the same time, you are also very lucky Tony that your parents had you at a very young age, most people your age already have parents that have already either passed away or near death, i think you said your parents were 19 or 20 when they had you right?

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